
Share Your Heartwarming Furry Story!
Share your heartwarming furry story this World Animal Day! Tell us how much your life has changed with the introduction of a pet, and how much you appreciate your furry lifetime partner.


How To Participate
  1. Login / signup to PetFinder.my
  2. Upload heartwarming photo of you and your pet
  3. Describe how your pet has changed your life
  4. Share & ask your friends to vote! Votes can be cast once a day
  5. Follow our Facebook Page for winner announcement on 8th Nov 2016!

Exciting Prizes by Royal Canin
Grand Prize:
4 Months Pet Food + RC Premium Bundle

2nd Prize:
2 Months Pet Food + RC Premium Bundle

3rd Prize:
1 Month Pet Food + RC Premium Bundle

7 x Consolations:
RC Premium Bundle

* Pet food supply is for 1 pet only. RC Premium Bundle consists of 1 x Container and 1 x Pet Car Seat Cover.

Grand Prize
Shenni Ng
2nd Prize
Angel Goh
3rd Prize
Annette Thomasz

Consolation Prizes
Suthichana Tharmapalan Fong Wai See Sweetieprema Kaur Rachel Wong
Hilda Looi Ahmad Faisal Hashim Clare Ni

Voting Ended
ChiChi is an adopted intact dog. The unforgettable and bitter moment happened in September 2015 where my beloved dog ChiChi is dia.. see more
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AhBoy is my lovely Maltese dog, to be precise he's my family member who has been staying with me for more than 5 years since he wa.. see more
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My Precious and lovely Simba. Love her to bits. She's a very loving and adorable pooch. Just love to go for outings with me. She d.. see more
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Simba, God's special gift to me. She's the most precious loving dog who just knows how to win my heart. She really taught me how t.. see more
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They are my everything Simba and Puggy. Born to a rescued mother, a lovely Pug lady named Puggy that was rescued during a bad floo.. see more
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We adopted Guy from an independant rescuer about a month ago. Guy is 1 years old. About 2 weeks ago on a Sunday, we were all out a.. see more
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Snowy is one of true & honest friend in my life. He is friendly, smart & gentle. He don't even bully my neighbor's cat but treat i.. see more
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My puppy name is Bailey.He is my life.He is a very naughty and playful but he is loveable.He is really good with children and the .. see more
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These are my little rascals Oli (the dingo-looking lass) and Wes (the lab-looking lad). I adopted them shortly after my mother pas.. see more
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Felix came into my life last March. He is a rescued 3 year old poodle who already had 4 owners. At first I only intended to foster.. see more
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This is bailey.he is loveable.he is good with children n adult.he loves when people come to hpuse.he is also good with other pets .. see more
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Bailey my world my life my soulmate.no words to describe him
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"Strike a Pose! What you looking at?" Smiling when i heard madonna say this lyric in Vogue song. Kecik I called this lovely cat.A.. see more
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Do you think my dear pet Lucky is cute? Well, one day me and my mom were driving home from a shopping mall when we saw this poor .. see more
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He was the runt in the family. Always getting bullied, bitten and almost died. But even after all that he went through, he survive.. see more
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I'd like the world to meet Sandy. The pup, not the girl. The girl's me. I was five when I got her and because of this Lab, my chil.. see more
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you are my sunshine
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My dear pet Lucky is a wonderful puppy that has changed my whole life the moment he was rescued. It would take too long to describ.. see more
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What is better than having a pet to play with all day long? I would say nothing is better. And my dear pet Lucky is my BFF-you kn.. see more
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It was all dated three years ago when I decided to help to foster a rescued dog from MDDB for a almost month. I brought the puppy .. see more
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Someone commited suicide in my neighbourhood and I was one of the first that saw the body. I couldn't sleep and was thinking about.. see more
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you are my soul mate
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you smile i smile
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They are my best friends with them around me my life is so colourful.
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This is Popo ! Rough beginning,born in street,my parent took her and her sister(Lolo) when their around 2 months but her sister pa.. see more
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My pets is my life, special my cat, her name is momo, she change my life better, no stress and always be smile when she playing. s.. see more
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I have a Koala Bear at home she is so adorable and like to be hug.
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These are my babies, Gucci, Xara and MiuMiu. They are my precious and my chillpill,always know how to make me happy, calm me down .. see more

Please login / signup first to submit your contest entry

Contest Terms & Conditions
  1. Contest is open to residents in Malaysia, from 4th Oct 2016 to 11:59pm 3rd Nov 2016
  2. Each contestant may submit up to Three (3) entries, but only One (1) winning entry may be selected
  3. Contestant will be disqualified if fraudulent entry or votes are detected
  4. Winners are selected based on the most number of votes
  5. Winners will be notified by email on or before 8th Nov 2016
  6. Each winner will be entitled to One (1) Prize
  7. Royal Canin will get in touch with winner to arrange for prize postage
  8. Contest organizer may contact participants and voters for follow-up promotions
  9. Contest organizer reserves the right to amend contest rules or disqualify participants at their sole discretion

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