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   « Back To Listing Josie - The Elegant Lady
Josie - The Elegant Lady - Hound Mix Dog
DogHound Mix
ProfileFemale, 5 Years 11 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
Posted6 May 2020 (Updated 23 Aug 2020)
Adoption FeeRM 150
Verified Rescuer
Josie is an elegant white female young female with an extremely chill temperament.

Josie was rescued back from a failed adoption, together with her sister Jazz (see Jazz's profile), and came back very timid and scared and skinny. Her previous adopter was not able to care for her well and Josie developed some fear issues. However, through love and care from her foster mama, Josie is now a happy, playful, confident and gentle girl. She’s still shy and a little jumpy but she’s very affectionate now. She can obey simple command and can sit for treats.

Josie needs to be kept indoors as her personality will shine best when indoors with her humans. She can be adopted together with her sister Jazz but only if there is sufficient land to accommodate the two of them as indoor pets. Otherwise she can be adopted as a solo pet or into a home with an existing dog as she's quite socialised. She does like company so she will enjoy a lot of attention from her hooman if as a solo pet.

Josie is:
1. Disease-free (negative for parvo and distemper)
2. Dewormed
3. Deflead
4. Vaccinated
5. Spayed
6. Has mild thyroid issue

Josie has a lovely white coat and recovered from her previous poor diet. She’s also super easy to manage. She has some mild thyroid issues which is very manageable with affordable thyroid medication that she takes without any fuss. Other than that she is a healthy, elegant, ladylike young miss who loves nothing more than to curl up next to you and chill. She also loves kisses, hugs and belly rubs.

We are looking for a forever loving home for Josie who can provide her the following:
1. Live in landed property or dog-friendly apartments/condos.
2. Allow her access to both indoors and outdoors but keep her predominantly indoors, especially at night to sleep.
3. Free roaming and not caged
4. Feeds her a balanced and nutritious diet as per her breed
5. Gives her regular annual vaccinations, flea and heartworm medications, and regular checkups at the vet
6. Willing to manage her thyroid issue responsibly
7. Willing to provide regular updates on her growth and progress
8. Amenable to periodical visits for progress monitoring
9. Takes her for regular walks for exercise.

If you are looking to a very chill, relaxed dog who loves nothing more than to cuddle with you, Josie is the dog to choose. Her mild thyroid issue is very manageable and we will walk you through the very simple process of care. Choose Josie and experience her elegance and sophisticated affections and unwavering love in your life and in your home!

Potential adopters will be evaluated for suitability, and should be agreeable to be interviewed. Adoption fee of RM150 will be used to defray medical costs. Please contact me if you are interested.
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I love sitting on the sofa with you!
I love sitting on the sofa with you!

Chilling & sunbathing outdoors...
Chilling & sunbathing outdoors...

Will you adopt me, hooman?
Will you adopt me, hooman?

But I can also sit like a frog! hahaha
But I can also sit like a frog! hahaha

I sit down like a lady...
I sit down like a lady...

Josie is an elegant white female with an extremely chill temperament
Josie is an elegant white female with an extremely chill temperament

I move with such grace...

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Share your comments here5 Comments
LizaOh   May 31st 2020 at 6:46PM
Hi there, is josie up for adoption still ?
DrMai   Jun 1st 2020 at 2:45PM
Hi yes she is. Would you care to chat on WhatsApp?
Hi Liza, I also have an interest application form you can fill out and provide me some information so that we can chat further about Josie. Here's the link:https://bit.ly/3du9Ww1
NaomiAnne   Jun 24th 2020 at 9:17PM
Hi Dr Mai good evening. Could I ask why Josie has to be kept indoors? I've kept dogs for years and they've been perfectly fine outdoors, provided they have adequate shelter and water
DrMai   Jun 25th 2020 at 4:59PM
Hi Josie is extremely timid and had a traumatic experience being left outside to sleep. It has taken a long time to get her confidence back and that was done with her being able to sleep indoors at night. She is easily spooked. She runs in and out of the house during the day but she sleeps indoors. That’s what I meant by kept indoors. I meant at night for sleeping. 😁

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