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   « Back To Listing Ninja
Ninja - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 6 Years 4 Months
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Gray
LocationKajang, Selangor
Posted22 Jan 2019 (Updated 3 Feb 2019)
Adoption FeeRM 1
Extremely intelligent kitty. Self-trained to use the litter box. Will tell you when hungry or wants to use the litter box (if not nearby). Eats both dry and wet food but prefers wet food. She will not finish her meal at one go so do make sure she eats enough. Drinks water so please make sure you always have a clean bowl out for her. I feed her warm, wet food mixed with soggy biscuits in the morning and evening; dry kibbles for lunch (while I'm out at work) and supper. 4 feedings a day for a kitty her age.

Very active and playful. Loves pouncing, stalking and exploring. Loves cuddling with you when sleepy. Can play independently but wants to lepak in the same room as you. Maybe it's because Ninja doesn't see me from 9 - 6 when I'm at work but when I'm home and I disappear into a room/she doesn't see me, she'll meow so I'll need to let her know where I am so she can come find me. Dewormed once. Has been vaccinated (first jab). Possibly female - I can't tell (not much experience). Knows how to use the scratching post and loves a ball of yarn. Not 'dining-table-trained' - she seems to find it - and the items on it - fascinating. Loves exploring clothing cabinets. Will meow for you to open it for her. Um. Sorry, I spoiled her that way.

She doesn't seem to like being brought out on walks (carried her when I had to tapau food *cough I need to eat, too!* at a mamak) but sits relatively still on my lap in the car (not ideal but she meows for me when I leave her alone so I bring her out with me when I do small errands). She has been given free rein to my house (with certain room doors and toilet seat covers closed) so please do not cage her as she is used to having a lot of room to play in. You may want to slowly expose her to a larger area once she is used to the smaller one you keep her in, first letting her know where you have placed her bowls and litterbox. In the few weeks that she is here, she has not had any poo/pee accidents even when I gave her access to my house.

Story: One night, hubby and I were walking home when we heard a sound. Like a meow. It was dark so we looked around and sure enough, we found a lone kitten standing at a divider right in the middle of the road, looking right at us. The minute it saw us notice it, it started walking towards us but I screamed when a car shot by, missing it by about a foot. I yelled for it to stay there and that I'd come to it instead. Miraculously, it understood and waited there for me. We picked it up, fed the ravenous, skinny kitty and had it de-flead and de-wormed the next day. Over the course of 2 weeks, we found out Ninja (she appears and disappears in the blink of an eye like a little ninja!) had 2 mouth ulcers that caused bad kitty breath (cured with a week of antibiotics), mild conjunctivitis (easily cured with eye drops), and also a fractured tail (stepped on last time, perhaps) although the vet has said that won't affect Ninja's health negatively. Through it all, Ninja has been utterly resilient and brave. She follows me around the house and has even learned to go up and down the stairs on her own. She loves to give me little kisses right before bedtime. She continues to surprise us with her Ninja antics and intelligence everyday. Fostering Ninja for now till a good potential owner comes by.

p.s. she shocked me when she went to the litterbox by herself on the very first night! What a smart kitty.

p.p.s. she's gotten a bit longer now. Currently in her teething stage. She still suckles at my fingers/neck when she is sleepy so it makes me sad to think she was taken away from her mother and siblings so soon.
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Ninja and her best angle!
Ninja and her best angle!

Ninja exploring my hubby's clothes cabinet!
Ninja exploring my hubby's clothes cabinet!

The first night we found Ninja - skinny and small but meowy
The first night we found Ninja - skinny and small but meowy

Snuggling and waiting for you to come to bed :)
Snuggling and waiting for you to come to bed :)

Ninja loves all things soft.
Ninja loves all things soft.

Ninja in action!

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Share your comments here2 Comments
chrisloi   Jan 26th 2019 at 9:23AM
hi! is she still available for adoption?
Aylwin   Jan 26th 2019 at 10:04PM
Hi, Chris. Sorry, she has just been adopted. Thank you for your interest.

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