This is Noodle, who was named so because she was very frail, pale and tiny when we found her. It was hard trying to lure her out from under a car. Before that she had been hiding in the bushes and meowing for nights - it was difficult to feed her.
She had diarrhoea, eye infection and a very ferocious attitude. My sister and I took her to the vet and nursed her over the next few days. Victory first came when she started to show playfulness, which is always a good sign!
While looking for a loving family to adopt her, we got attached to her instead, as she had instantly made herself the feisty princess about the house (a clumsy one too, banging her head into just about anything).
But in the end we had to give her away, so I was grateful when a friend found a cat lover who just went gaga over her photos. I'm sure Noodle is a beautiful and healthy adult now!