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3 Pets, Animal Lover

1 Pet, Animal Lover

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3 Pets, Animal Lover


1 Pet, Animal Lover

NameEmy Missing
JoinedJan 2009
LocationGombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ExperienceCat (7 Years)
Hamster (5 Years)
Reptile (3 Years)
Interested InAn Animal Lover
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im living in gombak with my two kitties.. would love to join in the course to save animals..

missing's Pets
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Manis, 14 Yrs
Owner's Pet

KAKA, 15 Yrs
Owner's Pet

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missing   Dec 29th 2009 at 12:00AM
i like that species, dekat nak sama the look with my hamsters dulu:


will text you tomorrow, please reserve them for me.. :) btw, how old are they?
Acqua   Jan 3rd 2010 at 11:56AM
hi kak missing i found these hammy up for adoption while browsing through the listing...
mlinda is too kind..
shes selling those hammy for an afordably cheap price( does that exist) he3..
they were roborovski ..
i bought the same sp for 40 last year from Pet Family Bukit Tinggi..
and now they're selling sick gp..
missing   Jan 9th 2010 at 1:06PM
thanks aznor, akak dah check out it all.. already adopt a pair of hamsters.. :)
Crool   Jan 18th 2010 at 6:12PM
last time ade org kol crool...kcg betina nya tgh on heat...nak cari kcg jantan for mating....ni number org tue..019-
missing   Jan 20th 2010 at 2:05AM
thanks crool, will try ask him/her if interested..
nurkasih   Mar 7th 2010 at 10:20PM
As per boarding issue, I will trust nobody but vet..usually I will send them to my usual vet which I know and I trust. So far, I have not gone into their boarding space yet, but through the CCTV that I can see from the vet room ..It's quite clean and well maintained.. Now, I prefer to pay those who are willing to come and feed my cat at home..still searching for the right people tho.. Student USM pun banyak yang nak carik part time.. Now..am searching for people to cover my duty for 3 weeks as I might be going off..My budget RM10 x 21 = RM210 ...for food / water and litter box.
missing   Mar 12th 2010 at 12:39AM
thanks nurkasih.. i just ask around on what we can expect(they should provide) if offering boarding service.. like food/water and clean up litter tu wajib la kan.. other extras like petting/handling(manja-manja)the pet, bagi exercise.. bilik aircond ke other luxury camtu.. katelah if i open one, like a pet centre ala petting zoo.. the attraction would be firstly clean and spacious, well ventilated, and affordable.. having them caged is not a turn off or is it..? and what about screening for penyakit, i heard on tv tapi tak peka time tu.. hmm.. :) thanks ya..
nurkasih   Mar 12th 2010 at 1:53PM
I am not into petting zoo or petting exhibition my dear.. I do not like animals to be pet by many peoples or other than their care takers.. nanti binatang pening sbb animals depend largely on their sense of smell.. I prefer things to be just like the safari in the africa.. no fence or whatsoever yet people can still visit.. and no petting . I am not into fancy boarding as in those who claimed they provide play time ( how do you know they provide..your animals can't talk). The staying in a cage for at least 36 hours they can do , but without vet attention if anything occur would be even worst. That is why if I have to be away for more than 3 days.. I plan to pay GRASS volunteers to take care of my cats at home.. But usually, I dun be away for that long and my regular vet would be my first choice. They know me , they know the cat and they know what to do.(^^)
missing   Mar 13th 2010 at 9:50PM
yeah, i've heard about the play time, they offer at boarding centre.. we can never know kan, unless ada cctv that we can have access to.. petting i mean is only by the caretaker, yes, not by everyone who pass.. thank you so much for your respond, an eye opener for me.. :) take care..
totty81   Apr 22nd 2010 at 7:07PM
Hi missing ngan nurkasih ape cite..Sihat kamu bedua..anak2 bulus ape cite
missing   Apr 27th 2010 at 5:47PM
hi totty.. im oke thanks for dropping by..
anak anak pun sihat alhamdulillah.. your
kitties apa cerita..? :)
Komani   Jan 24th 2011 at 2:45PM
would you be interested in gupppies or koi ..I giving them off with a small fee,guppies rm1.50 each n koi rm15 ..plz see my prof for more info ..i need to give em out asap ! thanks n tc

i sold out the guppies already ...But i bought them for 2 bucks each so I actually at lost you see..And the Koi ..i bought them from the breeders they sold it rm 20 each ..=( im reali at lost but i cant do much coz i really need to give em out ..hope you understand my intentions were not to make money but atleast make up for the money i spent as they are really good quality breed..thanx for reply anyways..tc
missing   Feb 1st 2011 at 11:58AM
owh if that's the case, i understand komani.. im glad you rehome them already.. ;p take care..
zulmajd   Sep 1st 2011 at 5:14AM
saya mmg berminat tapi disbbkan raya saya tak dapat nak meet harga yang dinyatakan.
adilahahmad   Oct 22nd 2011 at 12:31PM
i respond at manis's kittens profile..i'm really hoping to adopt 1 of those ragdoll kittens...please respond....
please respond missing :)
missing   Oct 23rd 2011 at 11:38PM
where are you staying please.. and do you agree with the fees..?
adilahahmad   Oct 24th 2011 at 5:40PM
currently im in phg...but if there is a kitten left available..i would go to gombak to get the kitten..i agree to the 350 fee...i just need a another cat to be frenz with the cat i had adopted...
missing   Apr 15th 2012 at 6:18PM
we have two three months old and two eight months old.. if you are still interested..

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