Second Chance A caretaker found 4 pups in a box, one of them was Paddy. Paddy’s 3 siblings were taken but Paddy was left behind and he had a wound and was being “devoured” by maggots. Current...
Jul 4, 2012
Second Chance
Angel needs a Home
Sex : Female (Spayed) Size : Medium, Height is until kneeAge: 6 months +Charateristics: Sweet, Quiet, Protective, Royal, Obedient
Angel is a...
Jul 3, 2012
Second Chance
For the past 2 weeks, we have had many volunteers, donors and sponsors who came forward to help and support our shelter.
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to say...
Jun 26, 2012
Second Chance Dear Readers, If you are concern about the animal welfare in Malaysia, please participate the following survey from Department Veterinary Services (DVS). This bill (which is long overdue)...
Jun 22, 2012
Second Chance
Chiwa was waiting from 11am till late evening for her 2nd chance (to be adopted) when Mr. Albert Cheng came.
He gave Chiwa a surprise gift and it really...
Jun 20, 2012
Second Chance
Malaysian generally are very defensive when comes to neutering their dogs, they have so many excuses for not doing this great favor to our canine friends.
As a results, many...
Jun 20, 2012
Second Chance For the past 2 weeks, many people came forward to give a home to our dogs.
These were the people who prefer to adopt than to buy, responding to the call of “Adoption is the best option,...
Jun 19, 2012
Second Chance
You guys know the famous website, 9gag? I read this post which was really sweet. The mind of this six-year-old kid was so fascinating……
Humans are...
Jun 18, 2012
Second Chance Second Chance was lucky to have a chance to take part in the Pet World Exhibition Fair in Mid Valley. Together with many other dog rescue groups (including HOPE who came all the way from...
Jun 17, 2012
Second Chance Ally and Ann were two of the four sisters that were rescued by a kind samaritan in Ipoh last September. The other two sisters, Alexis and Ashley were adopted months ago.
Jun 14, 2012
Second Chance
Pauline turned 24 years old few days ago and a group of friends celebrated the happy day with her. She was asked what she wanted as her birthday presents and guess what! She...
Jun 12, 2012
Second Chance Little Harvey and his sibling sister were dumped in front of our shelter when they were only 3 weeks old. They were taken to the vet where they were diagnosed to have tick fever and...
Jun 7, 2012
Second Chance
I can say that this June adoption drive was one of the most fruitful one ! Guess what, there were 15 of our lucky doggies being adopted ! Besides, Second Chance also received cash from...
Jun 7, 2012
Second Chance
It was a very successful adoption drive last Sunday on 3rd June 2012 because 15 of our puppies/dogs have found their homes!
Here are the pictures of the lucky puppies/dogs with their new...
Jun 7, 2012
Second Chance Hi everyone, here is some updates on Storm from Elise Wong who has adopted him from Second Chance middle of last year.
“There is something cute about him. He hates...
Jun 4, 2012
Second Chance This coming Sunday (3rd Jun 2012) is our Adoption Drive which will be held in the shelter located at 3 1/2 Mile Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur.
There are always many things to do before the big...
Jun 2, 2012
Second Chance Ninja was rescued by Mr. Leong (one of our adopters) near his house in Rawang. He must have been a stray for sometime and judging by his unfriendly behaviour, he has not had a good time with humans...
Jun 1, 2012
Second Chance We would like to record our deep appreciation to our panel vets, who have assisted us in many ways throughout the past two and half years. Without their help, Second Chance would...
Jun 1, 2012
Second Chance
This picture of Maggie siting in a tray was taken in Mrs. Lai’s house when she fostered her. Isn’t she just so cute, sweet, adorable and innocent? Who knew a puppy from the...
Jun 1, 2012
Second Chance
Roger was taken to us by his master ,Tony about half a year ago. Tony and Roger was living in a house in Cheras but Tony’s neighbour always harassed him for having a...
May 31, 2012
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