
The Ever Resilient Madame Wong

This is a post about one very resilient Madame Wong. She’s seen in the photos below having a good time doing what she likes best – walking and exploring around shelter ground. Despite...
Sep 25, 2012


Party For A Good Cause

Madam Kwok Lai Yong and her family from Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur are all dog lovers, so when they hold a gathering for friends and relatives, it is to help the doggies . On 15th Sept...
Sep 18, 2012


How Cruel Can Some People Be?

Justine, a very gentle looking dog I went to do my marketing at Bandar Baru Sri Petaling few days ago, I saw a dog in front of a chicken stall, he was lying down and not moving, I...
Aug 23, 2012


Burmese Story Continues

The post on Michael the Burmese man with a big big heart had moved me so much that me and my friends decided to pick a day to visit him and his “adopted” furry fren with some kibbles supplies...
Aug 16, 2012


Laina Found Her Happy Home

 Laina in her new home Few days ago, Madam  Chua and family from Bukit Jalil came to adopt Laina as a companion to their old German Shepherd dog by the name of Misty. Misty is...
Aug 15, 2012


Our Little Office

Second Chance wishes to thank Mr. Lai CH of MapIT Sdn Bhd for donating these 4 metal cabinets . It makes a decent office space for our shelter. Thank you, Mr. Lai! Source:...
Aug 9, 2012


Our Charlie Angels

Introducing our three ladies who have put in so much of time and energy to the shelter works. Everyday from Monday to Saturday they work from 11am to 5pm, cooking food, cleaning the...
Aug 2, 2012


Life Can Only Get Better For Mandy

Aunty Kiew called and told me she has rescued a little pup with an injured hind leg from some bushes. She has heard the cries of the pup for the past 2-3 days but gave no thought to...
Jul 31, 2012


Some Updates On Max

Remember Max? In case you don’t, here’s a video to help jolt your memory a lil. ….video was taken on the day when Max just got to his newfound home with Madam Than in Cheras...
Jul 29, 2012


Rainbow On Top Of The World

Rainbow was only two months old when she was rescued at Subang Jaya by an animal lover Rain Low. Rain passed to me to foster and I subsequently adopted her. She was one active kitten, she...
Jul 27, 2012


A Micky Mouse Dog

I saw this dog in Dr. Lee’s clinic at Kuchai Lama Road, Kuala Lumpur. This dog caught my attention because her face looked so much like a Micky Mouse.I thought I should take a picture of her...
Jul 26, 2012


A Burmese Story

This Burmese man is working in a workshop in Bandar Bukit Puchong. He is a great man in rescuing and caring  many homeless dogs around his work place.  Michael, a Burmese, a...
Jul 23, 2012


Supporting Second Chance With Photography

Hi There, I am one of the volunteers at Second Chance and I have been longing to contribute towards their cause of rescuing homeless dogs, especially they are our Malaysian dogs. I recently open...
Jul 22, 2012


House Check!

Eric was adopted during the June adoption drive which was held at our shelter. He was adopted into the loving family of Chris Tay. We went to their house to check on Eric as according to Chris, he...
Jul 21, 2012



Second Chance would like to convey our deepest condolence on the passing of Sabrina Yeap, the founder of Furry Friends Farm. May she rest in peace. Source:...
Jul 17, 2012


Prisoners Of Greed (by Samantha Walton)

The following article is contributed by Samantha Walton with the good intention of educating the public as well as pet owners. Many thanks Samantha for your kind thoughts! Where Does Your Puppy...
Jul 16, 2012


Adoptiong Event At Tropicanal City Mall

The adoption drive held at Tropicanal City Mall, Kuala Lumpur on 1st July 2012 (Sunday) have made possible 4 puppies found a new home, some donations collected and...
Jul 13, 2012


A Second Chance Please !!!!!

 Prishoe (The Rescuer) said: “I have rescued these puppies from a construction site near Ampang. The developer put the pups’ parents there to guard the site.  Now...
Jul 12, 2012


Why Would You Want To Deanimalize Your Pet?

The following article is contributed by Samantha Walton with the good intention of educating the public as well as pet owners. Many thanks Samantha for your kind thoughts!  De-anamalising...
Jul 8, 2012


Puppies In A Hole

I took this picture near my house. These two puppies took shelter in a drain. First thing that came to  to my mind was how cute they were. But they were starving and their mother was...
Jul 6, 2012

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