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I Feel So Lucky To Be Involved In Looking After Yo..

I feel so lucky to be involved in looking after your special furry kids. Here is a snap shot of my patients recently.Source: https://www.facebook.com/138310686249636/posts/487 6212945792.. Rayya The...
Feb 9, 2022


Olivia’ Came In For A Health Check And To Assess H..

‘Olivia’ came in for a health check and assess her teeth. We discussed dental hygiene as she had a build up on her upper carnassials (big chewing teeth). She got a blood test and she was...
Jan 27, 2022


It’s Been So Long Since I’ve Posted But I Have Sti..

It’s been so long since I’ve posted but I have still been a very avid photographer of my beautiful patients. Life has been tough for everyone. I owe all pet lover’s around the globe...
Jan 21, 2022


Butter’ Absolutely Melted My Heart Today With His ..

‘Butter’ absolutely melted my heart today with his beautiful temperament and lovely curls. He came in for a health check and vaccination. He’s overdue for a grooming but groomers...
Sep 4, 2020


Jack’ Has Been Through The Wars. Recently Moved In..

‘Jack’ has been through the wars. Recently moved interstate and one week after his arrival, he suddenly couldn’t use his left blackleg. X-rays ruled out any fractures but even with...
Sep 1, 2020


Franklin’ Has Been A Frequent Flyer At The Vets Fo..

‘Franklin’ has been a frequent flyer at the vets for past couple of weeks. Poor possum has had intermittent vomiting, coughing and sneezing. Thankfully he’s finally on the mend and...
Aug 31, 2020


Say Hi To ‘Elsa’, She’s 21 Weeks Old. My Colleague..

Say hi to ‘Elsa’, she’s 21 weeks old. My colleague did her consultation today and then paraded her around the clinic for cuddles as she was absolutely stunning and so confident. Can...
Aug 26, 2020


Willow’ Came In For A Health Check. She Was Full O..

‘Willow’ came in for a health check. She was full of tricks, best cue is she speaks! She’s a beautiful girl… let’s fire away suitable captions. I’ll start:...
Aug 25, 2020


Theo’ Came In For His Second Booster Puppy Vaccina..

‘Theo’ came in for his second booster puppy vaccination and he is a mere 1.5 kg. He was so compliant for his full check up including examining, cleaning and treating his tiny infected...
Aug 24, 2020


Billy’ Came In His Little Space Shuttle For A Heal..

‘Billy’ came in his little space shuttle for a health check and vaccination. He was in good shape and actually enjoyed his unique transport vehicle. Very sweet boy....
Aug 22, 2020


Cj Rhodesian Ridgeback Cross, Bigger Pooch And His..

CJ (Rhodesian ridgeback cross, bigger pooch) and his sister ‘Honey’ (Great Dane Cross) came in for a health check up and vaccination today. They were both super brave for their needles...
Aug 20, 2020


Zac’ Is Just Full Of Tail Wags, Cheekiness And Lov..

‘Zac’ is just full of tail wags, cheekiness and love. I’ve been lucky to do both his vaccination boosters in past 4 weeks. He will do anything for the liver treats and enjoys...
Aug 19, 2020


Ace’ Adult Kelpie And ‘Murphy’ Puppy Kelpie Are Se..

‘Ace’ (adult Kelpie) and ‘Murphy’ (puppy Kelpie) are seriously such an adorable duo. ‘Ace’ was in to discuss his joint pain and has been started on a course of...
Aug 10, 2020


I Am Absolutely Devastated About The Explosion Tha..

I am absolutely devastated about the explosion that occurred in my country of origin Lebanon. My heart is with my people and with all the animals that were affected. Please...
Aug 8, 2020


Shilo Santana Kelly’ Was Licking Her Hindpaw Persi..

‘Shilo Santana Kelly’ was licking her hindpaw persistently and it was swollen. She’d had pain relief and it still hadn’t resolved and she was too tender to allow me to...
Aug 3, 2020


Albie’ Was One Super Spritely Energetic Pooch. He ..

‘Albie’ was one super spritely energetic pooch. He came in after being excercised but was still so excitable. He was in his heartworm injection which was overdue and given he wasn’t...
Aug 2, 2020


Bella’ Came In For A Health Check And Booster Vacc..

‘Bella’ came in for a health check and booster vaccination. She is a super affectionate girl that kept climbing on me for attention. Gotta love such a loving soul that’s a rescue...
Jul 31, 2020


Bonnie’ Came In For A Geriatric Health Check And V..

‘Bonnie’ came in for a geriatric health check and vaccination today. She’s in great shape for an elderly lady. She has some hip pain and has a healthy body weight. She wasn’t...
Jul 30, 2020


I Have Been Feeling Very Blessed As Seen So Many P..

I have been feeling very blessed as seen so many puppies and kittens this week already! ‘Eddie’ came in for his second puppy booster. He was full of confidence and energy. Thankfully...
Jul 29, 2020


Pippin’ Came In For His Second Kitten Booster Vacc..

‘Pippin’ came in for his second kitten booster vaccination at Marjura Park Greencross. He was full of beans and quite a busy bee. Thankfully he sat still for a brief moment while eyeing...
Jul 28, 2020

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