
All Hail Our Wildlife Warriors, Who Battle Dauntin..


All hail our Wildlife Warriors, who battle daunting challenges in their quest to save tigers and other wildlife in Belum-Temengor Forest Complex.


Their work takes them deep into dense forests where they face long, grueling hours of trekking, carrying backpacks weighing up to 25kg. At times they navigate in the dark, through storms and raging rivers, all to provide critical data for the enhancement of conservation efforts. Despite these difficulties, they carry out their tasks with an indomitable spirit and a heart full of love for our natural treasures.


Meet our Wildlife Warriors – Wafiy, Farhan, Happy and Amin. Their work is not only to battle the creatures and elements in the forest. After carrying out camera-trapping and sign surveys to study and monitor wildlife species, as field biologists they will painstakingly compile and analyse camera trap photos, sign survey information and GPS data. But wait! It still doesn’t end there. Armed with their reports, they will then present and socialise their findings to government agencies to propose necessary actions.


For more information at wwf.org.my/MalayanTigerProject


Support the work of our Wildlife Warriors at wwf.org.my/SaveMalayanTigers

Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241/1015962..



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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