Some Human Think I'm Just A Dog,. Because I Have 4..
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Some human think I’m just a dog,
because I have 4 legs.
A big long tail and fluffy ears,
I sit on my hind legs and beg.
But what they do not understand,
is a dog’s life is very hard.
I protect my owners all the time,
And my property I guard.
I’m not allowed at the dining table,
I don’t get to choose what I eat.
My food gets placed in a bowl on the floor,
With dry food and tinned meat.
I’m not allowed out on my own,
I have a choker chain and a lead.
This gets tethered around my neck,
And my owner I must heed.
I don’t have a comfy reclining chair,
My place is on the floor.
I’m expected to use my vocal chords,
If someone knocks at the door.
I sometimes get so very tired,
As I always on my guard.
I can’t chase cats or choose my diet,
So a dog’s life is very hard.
When you humans think of me,
Remember this little ryhme.
We’re man’s best friend and loyal are we,
And we love you all the time.
Love your dog,
~ by Angela Jenkins on, 2013
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