The “serial” Claimants
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Yesterday, we wrote about “agents” who claim on behalf of others (usually the elderly or the non-literate). We cannot accept claims from such “agents” and we have already explained why.
Today, we talk about “serial claimants”.
Definition: Those who have claimed for years, and submits maximum claims every week, whom we have urged to please be independent.
We wish to inform the serial claimants that due to a shortage of funds, they are strongly advised that we may not be able to help them anymore as AnimalCare is primarily a starter fund and there are many new applicants now, so our limited funds need to be channeled to these newbies to help them get started.
As for the serial claimants, we recognise the fact that they tend to move from place to place, finishing at one location and moving on to the next. While we applaud them for their tenacity and dedication to help as many animals as they can, our financial resources are, unfortunately, so limited that we don’t have the capability to keep helping them nonstop. As such dedicated long-term rescuers, we strongly advise them to raise their own funds to sustain their long-term work. Registering a society may be a good option for them too.
Agents and serial claimants?
No, no agents.
Serial claimants – sorry, we are too small to go on helping you.
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