
Vincent Tips The Scales At….


We weighed Vincent this morning….


Take a guess, folks.

3 kg!!!!

THREE kilograms!!!!

Yes, THREE!!

Husband + Vincent = 71.0 kg.  Husband alone = 68.0 kg.  71 – 68 = 3.  Pinch me and check with a calculator to be doubly sure….yes, 71 – 68 is 3!!

Last meal was at 10pm. No subcut yesterday. Subcut due today. He hasn’t eat breakfast for this morning, so the weight was taken on a relatively empty stomach.

We almost couldn’t believe it, so we took the weight again. Yes, folks…it was THREE kg!

I feel a song coming up…Let’s jive, baby…!!

Both our patients didn’t eat this morning. But never mind, the day has just started.

I got up early today because husband had to go to work at 5am. I needed his help to feed Vincent and Pole their meds. Ginger…he’s still a total darlin’!

Note: Vincent used to be at least 5.7kg back in the day. When all this started, he gradually went down to a shocking 3.1kg. Then, he went further down to only 2.5kg (even though he was eating like a horse). I thought that was almost rock bottom – but no, I am sure he went further down. I could feel it whenever I carried him. Last week was the worst week ever. I didn’t even dare weigh him anymore. There was no point in doing it. It wasn’t going to change his treatment plan.

Then, things started looking up a little when he weighed 2.8kg. However, it went back down to 2.6kg and stayed there. The vet said to be happy that it hasn’t gone further down, but let’s not celebrate yet. It could be due to the increased hydration. Fair enough…

But today, it is 3kg, folks! I would like to believe this is quite significant, ya?

An update at 6am – Pole wanted kibble. I don’t know why she wants it, but oh well, it’s okay. As long as she eats, right?

And everyone else got a little too.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/09/19/vincent-tips-the-scales-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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