
Beauty & Determination Of Rescued Pets


Photographer Captures Beauty & Determination of Rescued Pets with Disabilities

From dogs with three legs, to cats born without eyes, photographer Alex Cearns wanted to celebrate the beauty of pets who have overcome adversity.

“One of my most passionate aims as an animal photographer is to capture the adorable subtleties that make all creatures precious and unique. I love every animal I have the privilege of photographing, but those perceived as ‘different’ hold a special place in my heart,” says Alex. “These are the creatures who have lost a leg, been born without eyes, or are still showing the scars of former abuse.”

In her series “Perfect Imperfection”, you’ll meet many rescued pets who have had surgeries for illnesses like cancer, leading to the removal of a limb or eyes in order to prolong their lives. But as you’ll see in Alex’s photos below, the animals are as beautiful as ever.

“Most animals with ‘afflictions’ don’t dwell on them,” Alex writes. “They adapt to their bodies without complaint and they survive with determination. They push on, always, wanting to be included and involved in everything as much as they can, and as much as an able bodied pet does.”

Alex dedicated her series to Savannah and Rowdy, two pets who lived with dignity and joy, as do other special needs pets the world over.

Check out Alex’s masterpieces at http://HoundsToothStudio.com.au

Inspired to adopt a beautiful rescue? Transform a life now at http://PetFinder.my.

(via ReshareWorthy.com)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/PetFinder.my/photos/a.1410722488973..




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