Prochlorperazine For Tigers Seizures
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We tried supplements. We tried acupuncture and TCM. But Tiger was still throwing seizures and when he threw cluster seizures on 2nd September, I decided it’s time to try a western drug. So far, we had not resorted to drugs yet. It was just western supplements (vitamins), a natural (homeopathic) supplement and TCM.
The seizures on 2nd September were quite bad, actually.
The vet had earlier recommended that we try prochlorperazine 5mg (half tablet twice a day). This is a very mild medicine for motion sickness in humans and the toxicity level is very, very low. The usual prescription for epilepsy is phenobarbitals, but the vet had suggested that we try this prochlor first before resorting to the phenobarbs. I had put it this idea on hold because I wanted to try TCM for Tiger, hoping it would work. But seeing that TCM could not really help, it’s time to take the next step.
Prochlorperazine it is.
So, I drove to the pharmacy to get it that evening and I know it’s just trying another treatment…again, and this time, it’s back to western medicine. We’ve tried a few methods already, but none of them had helped. It’s heartbreaking watching the seizures happen so often.
Would this medicine help, or make the condition worse? I was told that in some cases, even phenobarbs don’t work. We won’t know until we try. The consolation is that this is a very mild drug and the toxicity level is very low.
So that evening, I started Tiger on prochlor.
That was 4 days ago.
I haven’t observed any seizure since then and there is also much less scratching now. The medicine is supposed to be mildly sedating, but it doesn’t seem to have this effect on Tiger. In fact, it’s the reverse – he seems more active and is asking to go out of the room more often too.
We won’t know if the drug is really effective until more time has passed, but 4 days without a seizure is really hopeful.
We still don’t dare to let him go without the tshirt.
I really hope this medicine works.
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