Please Help Stop The Yulin Cruelty
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It’s that time of the year again – the horrible Yulin dog-eating festival in China.
Please read below and share it widely.
Right now, across China and in the city of Yulin, thousands of dogs are being rounded up. Pets have been stolen, and strays are being snatched off the streets. Trucks and motorcycles are roaring into town with cages full of animals captured, some from thousands of miles away, others from nearby provinces… all in preparation for the annual Dog Meat Festival, just weeks away.
The dogs’ journey to this dreaded place—crammed on top of each other and transported for days without food or water—is only the beginning of their suffering…
Once they arrive, they’ll be beaten to death in front of each other; each one waiting, terrified and helpless, until it’s his turn to be pulled out by the neck with iron tongs and hit repeatedly on the head with a metal pole to stop him from fighting. Finally, his throat will be cut open to let the blood run out. Please help us urge China to stop this cruelty towards animals now » When HSI’s China Specialist, Peter Li, recently visited Yulin, he reported that many of the dogs he saw in the slaughterhouses were completely silent—having already “died mentally many times over” as they witnessed the brutality they were about to endure being done to others. This cannot go on. Please sign our petition urging the president of China to end this atrocity now » Widespread opposition by the general Chinese public and increased international pressure have brought attention to this cruel, senseless event. Traders worry, with reason, that the authorities or activists protesting Yulin might soon block dog meat trucks coming into the city. Sales are down in the markets and restaurants, and the festivities have been subdued in the past few years. With support from international and local animal advocates, media, celebrities and—the outraged and appalled—members of the Chinese and global public, momentum is building to stop this barbarity, which brings shame to Yulin and the rest of China. Thank you for caring about animals. Sincerely, Andrew Rowan |
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