Daffodil Has Stopped Sneezing!
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So it takes about 7 days for the antibody built-up to come to a peak. True enough, on the 7th day, Daffodil stopped sneezing! After that, there was just an occasional sneeze, about once a day, and since yesterday, the sneezing has stopped!
I’ve been doing the saline drop into her nostrils and noticed that that helped a lot to dissolve the mucus. But I stopped doing that when the sneezing stopped.
Throughout her entire runny nose episode, she only skipped a meal twice. Her nose must have been pretty badly blocked during those two times. Other than that, she ate heartily with everyone else. I gave her Vetri DMG and TF throughout. Am very glad that the vet advised me to just wait it out and let her body fight off the bug instead of prescribing antibiotics or any other medicines.
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2016/05/10/daffodil-has-stopped-sne..
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