
The Truth Behind The Slow Loris Pet Trade



Below are 3 myths that are being spread to support the cruel trade in slow lorises as pets.

Please help to share this post to bust these myths!

Myth No. 3: Slow lorises are cute and cuddly animals.

Truth: The slow loris is one of the worlds few poisonous mammals. Toxin is released from the sides of its elbows. When threatened, the loris takes the toxin into its mouth and mixes it with saliva. The toxin is then transmitted by its bite, and may cause death by anaphylactic shock.

Myth No. 2: There is a never-ending supply of slow lorises.

Truth: Wild populations of slow lorises are getting smaller, and slow lorises are believed to be critically endangered in many areas. They will soon become extinct if we do not stop their capture from the wild. Slow lorises have only one offspring at a time (twins for pygmy slow lorises), and have a long inter-birth interval of around 16 months. Furthermore, breeding lorises in captivity is often unsuccessful.

Myth No. 1: Slow lorises like to be tickled.

Truth: When a slow loris is tickled, it raises its arms above its head, and looks oh so cute! But the sad truth is that it raises its arms in an attempt to defend itself by accessing a venomous gland on its elbow. Tickled slow lorises feel stressed and threatened, not happy.

Watch Tickling Slow Loris at https://youtu.be/otTNxR8C4uE

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Please sign the pledge today to help expose the truth behind the slow loris pet trade: http://www.ticklingistorture.org Thank you

Source: https://youtu.be/otTNxR8C4uE




ACRES (Animal Concerns Research & Education Society) is a pioneering Singapore-based charity and Institution of Public Character, founded by Singaporeans in 2001 with the aim of promoting animal welfare.

ACRES has six focus areas: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, Wildlife Crime Investigation, Zoo Animal Welfare, Humane Education, Community Outreach and Promoting Cruelty-Free Living.

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