SPCA 25 Week Challenge 1
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Well done Corinne, you demolished those noodles with time to spare (they clearly werent spicy enough)! Youve done the animals proud! Thank you to all of our supporters who helped us collect a grand total of $768.85 this week for our new building in Sungei Tengah! Youre all stars!
Make sure to check out our new challenge and contender to be posted tomorrow! Keep posting your challenges and who youd like to see step up to the podium next!
Get creative and challenge us in the comments below with your awesome ideas and SHARE!
#spca25weekchallenge #spcasingapore #buyabrick #seeourexecutivedirectordosomethingfunny
#spca #savetheanimals #sungeitengah #giveasia #nopoopplease #prettyplease
Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/videos/10153121997618..
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