
Sedentary Cats And Us






Yes, cats do sleep something like 70% of the time.

And perhaps it’s true that owning a cat reduces our heart attack risk by more than a third (I hope so!) provided they don’t give you heart-stopping attacks by doing things that endanger themselves!

However, we certainly cannot remain sedentary as cats do.

See this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/desk-jobs-can-be-killers-literally/2013/07/15/ce61f9e8-e59b-11e2-aef3-339619eab080_story.html

The summary of it:

If you are working on the computer, Dunstan suggests, “take a break and do the dishes.” If you are watching TV, get up and move around every 20 minutes, or whenever there’s a break.

Patel adds that this may actually come as good news to the millions of people who have not been able to get close to the recommended daily exercise levels. “The nice take-home message,” she says, “is that anything is better than nothing. Just getting up and moving at all is taking a big step in the right direction.”


That only applies to you humans, not us. 

Heh, heh…

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2015/06/11/sedentary-cats-and-us/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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