
Updates On 20th Mar 2015


SPCA Presents:

“The Rescue Saga of Farrer Park MRT Kitty”

Just about a week ago, we were alerted to a cat observed stranded on a ledge at Farrer Park MRT Station (See picture.)

The cat, a male local tabby, was seen walking along the ledge quite comfortably but tended to retreat into a hole (leading to a false ceiling there), whenever he was called out to by passers-by below on the ground floor.

Our rescue team, upon arrival, tried to get near the cat, but each time it would retreat into the hole stated. Our officers then placed a cat trap (containing dry cat food) at a strategic spot on the ledge.

But over the days that ensued, our officers returned to that spot, to follow up on the cat’s rescue from the ledge, only to find the trap without that cat each time and which is then left at the spot once more.

Finally, just days ago, on our repeat attempt, and working with the relevant feeder, Ms Ah Hua, our guys managed to rescue the cat from the ledge at last.

Our rescue officers, Daniel and Yu Jin, devised a plan to foil the cat’s attempt to escape into the hole described earlier.

Ah Hua lured the cat to the left edge of the ledge. Yu Jin quickly blocked the hole’s opening (which is on the right edge of the ledge) using a net.

With the cat approaching the left edge, Daniel (using a ladder) cautiously, yet promptly, looped a catchpole’s noose over the cat’s torso, then swiftly tightening it, gripping the cat and lowering it safely.

Upon reaching the ground, the cat (a stray) was then released. It scurried into the distance.

Lo and behold, the cat had to find a hiding spot somewhere, predictably to recover from its trauma earlier. And it chose…. our SPCA rescue vehicle!!!

Daniel and YuJin, incidentally, chanced upon a cat’s distressed mews, while in the SPCA van, post-rescue. It turned out that the cat – that very same cat – had tried to sneak into that van, but somehow ended up in the engine compartment. It possibly got itself trapped, while trying to escape in a panic… Talk about getting into a real tight spot!! (See picture.)

Daniel then ‘opened’ the relevant seat to try to free that cat…. Shortly after, he managed to nudge the cat out a little, before using a net to move the cat into a carrier. Once outside the vehicle, the cat was then released safely from the carrier, to a safe part of the premises. (See picture of the cat with its feeder, ms Ah Hua.)

We thank all who have helped in one way or another in making this rescue mission possible, including Ms Ah Hua.

Our rescue officers certainly, too, won’t forget our Farrer Park MRT feline, whom this rescue story has very much centred (tightly!) around!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/photos/a.101520126853..



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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