Thong-Baa, The Mangy Cat (a Sharing By Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn)
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Here’s a sharing by the good doctor:
From:Veeranoot Nissapatorn
Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: Thong-baa
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
9thJune, 2014
RE:MangeA matter of Choice
Dear Sis Chan,
This sharing story occurred when I went out feeding Thong-saa at the road just opposite temple.
I spotted this community cat by the name of Thong-baa searching for food at the shop-lots area and observed that Thong-baa kept scratching himself due most likely to itchiness. In fact, there are many healthy cats in this area but Thong-baa is the worst case infected with those naughty mites. I then decided to take Thong-baas photos for consulting with the vet.
10thMay, 2014-The day comes when I sent Thong-boon for spaying at the clinic and is now being adopted to the loving and forever home. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask the vet for opinion on Thong-baas.
11thMay, 2014-I had to go back to the hospital again to seek advice from the vet through photos taken earlier and the vet confirmed ofMange. Unfortunately, there was no oral medication available in the hospital while other forms of medication were not applicable since Thong-baa did not show sign of friendliness to me.
12thMay, 2014- I went back to the clinic, showed photos, confirmed ofMangeand was given once a week for 1 month of oral medication mixed in the food, antibiotic given for 2 weeks for his wound due to secondary infection and supplemented with DMG. The 1stdose for treatment ofMangewas started on the very same day. Thong-baa was very cooperative, ate up all mixed foods and medicine. I went back home with a happy mind.
19thMay, 2014- The 2nddose forMangewas a success. I was very happy to see Thong-baa was waiting for his dinner as usual and Thong-baa slowly showed sign of his skin improvement.
26thMay, 2014- Here we go for the 3rddose ofMangewhich went off smoothly and Thong-baa also completed the full course of antibiotic. To my delight, his wound was completely healed, his skin lesion looked much better and fur started growing.
2ndJune, 2014-Coming to an end for the 4thdose of medication and Thong-baa generally looked healthy with good appetite. His skin lesion was getting smaller and fur was growing in larger areas of his affected part.
8thJune, 2014- Thong-baa becomes friendlier and keeps waiting for his dinner. His skin lesion is more than 90% cure and covered with his growing fur. I will continue giving DMG to Thong-baa for another 2 weeks. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first severe case ever seen ofFeline Mange.
Quote of the day:
~Do not give up~
Thank you for the opportunity.
Sukhi Hotu!
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