
Gentle Jack Saved From A Lifetime Of Pain


My name is Jack and I would like to tell you how Soi Dog changed my life. You might have met me before, but if you haven’t, you can catch up on how my story started here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.690204557687949.1073742802.108625789179165&type=1

I am a street dog. There are many of us here in Thailand, a lot more than you might have in your country. Here it is normal for us to live our whole lives on the street. Some of us are lucky and we have people who feed us; some of us don’t and we have to fight to survive.

I had been wandering the streets for a long time, in a lot of pain, when a man called Khun Thep found me. He is an Animal Rescue Officer with Soi Dog, so he spends his days saving dogs like me. He spotted me on the street one day and saw that I had a very big hole on the side of my nose. I was hurting a lot and very scared I was going to die alone, but up until then, nobody cared. I was Jack, and I wasn’t loved.

Khun Thep picked me up and took me to the shelter. I was still afraid and I didn’t know where I was. Nobody has ever helped me before so I didn’t know these people were good. The vets looked at my nose and said I had something called a tumour inside my mouth. They also said I had anaemia, which meant I did not have a lot of strength. I lay on the table and closed my eyes. I was too tired to fight.

The vets wanted to get that tumour out of me but first, they needed me to get over this anaemia thing. They put me on medication to make me stronger. When I was well enough, Dr Eed came to see me. She told me that the day had arrived for my tumour to be removed. I looked into her eyes and for the first time in my life, I felt safe.

That day, there was a big power cut that lasted for many hours, but Dr Eed knew I was counting on her. She whispered that she would look after me as I drifted off to sleep and then, using a head torch, she worked long and hard, removing all of that ugly tumour from inside my mouth.

Today, I am not the same dog who came to the shelter. The tumour is gone and with it, the pain. I am getting stronger every day. When the people who work here come to visit me, I have started to do something every dog should have the chance to do as often as possible: I wag my tail, I run to them for hugs and I lay my head in their laps. I am Jack and I am loved.

The Emergency Response Team got me here and put an end to my suffering. They are animal lovers just like you, and their support saves the lives of so many. I am one of the lucky ones but please, remember what I told you about the street dogs. There are so many more that need your help. For their sake, please join the Emergency Response Team today: https://www.soidog.org/en/ert/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=FBO_jack4&utm_campaign=ert

Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.699038..



Soi Dog Foundation

Established in 2003 in Phuket, Thailand, Soi Dog is Southeast Asia's largest organisation helping stray animals. The Gill Dalley sanctuary in Phuket is home to over 1,600 animals. Soi Dog also has a treatment facility in Bangkok and responds to crisis situations throughout Thailand. The organisation is dedicated to implementing effective, sustainable solutions that reduce the suffering of dogs and cats in Asia, runs entirely on donations and works efficiently so all donations are used to help animals as effectively as possible.

The foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Thailand, the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France and Holland. It has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the largest and most-utilised independent non-profit evaluator in the United States, a platinum seal of transparency from Candid, the world’s largest source of non-profit information, a Top Rated award from Greatnonprofits and the Travelers’ Choice award from Tripadvisor.

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