
A Special Treat For Capri!


One of our readers who had been following Capri’s news and who was also all prepared to contribute towards Capri’s C-section initially, ordered 3 packs of Primal Dog from us as a surprise for Capri!

We posted it yesterday and it arrived this morning in Kedah. Hooray to Poslaju!

From:Mary Way
Date: Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:07 PM
Subject: RE: April
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dr Chan,

Thanks so very much for the food for Capri and April today weights 11oz. So I presume she is healthy.

Spasm has lessen.

Thanks once again to you and your friend for all your support.

Mary, Capri & April


Two days ago, Mary texted to say April was throwing spasms every few minutes. It was late at night and we could not consult any vet at that time. So I only shared what I knew as I remember that when the Sunnies were rescued on the first day, Honeybear was throwing seizures every few minutes. I rushed Honeybear to the vet and the vet said being so tiny, nothing could be done. We’d just have to wait it out. So I held Honeybear close to my heart the whole day and by the next day, the seizures stopped completely! Honeybear is now a big, strong, handsome Bear! I mean, cat!! His owner, Rozita, calls him “Bear”. Rozita adopted Rex, Foxy and Honeybear (the whole family).

That’s all I could tell Mary to do – hold April close to her heart, our warmth will be comforting. A friend sent a link suggesting a lack of calcium. That could be true too as Capri has no more milk now and Mary is handfeeding April with Milkodog.

Mary was also worried as one of the Kedah vets she had initially brought Capri to (who did not detect her pregnancy) did a dental job on Capri under anaesthesia. Maybe the anesthesia had affected April.

The next day I consulted an experienced dog rescuer and he said nothing could be done as spasms is due to the brain and nerves. For adults, there are medications, but probably not for a tiny puppy.

So, that’s all we had.

I also advised Mary to consult the vet in Penang for further advice.

That was two days ago and this morning, Mary says the spasms have reduced!

Yay! Let’s hope April continues to grow up strong and healthy now.

We know April’s birth was a great challenge, what with Capri being elderly, neglected, malnourished, etc. April’s birth has been nothing short of a miracle.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2014/04/09/a-special-treat-for-capri..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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