
Updates On 13th Dec 2013



http://bit.ly/1j0c2FA – 100% of your donation goes to the dogs

Here we are in Romania again, working with the amazing Norica Prigoana who has devoted herself to helping the deeply neglected dogs at the public shelter in Gherla. After an incredible outpouring of donations, Norica’s rescue program is about to move to an expansive new property and we want to take as many of these dogs as possible with us!!!! You can help:

It’s going to cost roughly $42 (30 Euro) each to build dog houses for these dogs and to take them away from this notorious public shelter where the dogs inside are colder than they would be outside because the conditions are so damp and comfortless. Norica goes each day to bring the dogs food, to shovel them out and to try to offer a bit of affection. But what goes on here is a dark story we’d rather not share with our sensitive readers. So, let’s just focus on the positive. In just a few weeks we will be moving 50 dogs from Norica’s own shelter, plus 21 rescued in foster, plus a large number of homeless street dogs and as many dogs as we can from this shelter. All will be warm and safe at Norica’s new shelter now known as “The Magic Land”.

Volunteer Debbie Evans explains, “We were hoping to be able to move the housing blocks built in Kimba for the dogs to use, BUT on inspection we find that they are swollen with water and unable to be relocated. They will fall apart. We DESPERATELY need to buy the sheets of wood to make doghouses for these Angels.

PLEASE PLEASE can anyone help donate for a house or a sheet to make a block??? I believe we can source a Dog House for 30 euros (approx $42 US dollars) If anyone wishes to donate one of these and create a ready made home for your favorite Angel, we would be so thankful.”

100% of ALL DONATIONS GO WILL RESCUE THE DOGS & CARE FOR THEM AT THE MAGIC LAND. To donate, please visit the Harmony Fund donation page for Romania here http://bit.ly/1j0c2FA

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=664869246869724&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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