
Dogfood Sponsor For Mdm Lim Teang Seouk!


We are pleased to share that one of our readers have offered to sponsor dogfood for Mdm Lim Teang Seouk’s community dogs in Kangar for the year 2014.

Mdm Lim Teang Seouk is 67 years old and resides in Kangar. Her income is from collecting recyclable materials. She has 3 dogs at home and feeds 7 dogs and 2 cats in her neighbourhood. She also feeds 20 stray dogs and cats in Kangar town. These dogs and cats are located at the shoplots near a coffee shop she used to work at and there are also dogs who wait for her daily located at an unoccupied piece of land. She can only feed them at night to avoid being chided by those who are unsympathetic towards her cause. Apart from looking after these dogs and cats, Mdm Lim also takes care of one of her daughters who is seriously ill and the daughter’s child.

We received this email from Nujtiya, Mdm Lim’s daughter, after we informed her about the closure of our Food Fund:

From: Nujtiya Chan
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Food Fund closure on 31st Dec 2013
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr. Chan,
Thanks for informing me.
I fully understand your mission and support the decision that AnimalCare had made.
I also agree that the raised fund should give to the animals who needed more in medical, neutering, etc.
I have informed my mum about this and don’t worry, we will work the things out by ourselves.
We appreciate much & would like to thank you once again for helping us for so long.
By the way, I will go back to my hometown in mid Nov, so probably I would claim the food fund for Nov & Dec  2013
Please confirm if this acceptable? Besides, we plan to bring 1 ~ 2 dogs for neutering as well.
Thanks again Dr. Chan for all effort you & your team have put in for the animals!
After a few hours, one of our readers wrote in to offer dogfood sponsorship for Mdm Lim for the year 2014!  We thank this reader very much for her kindness.





We will be closing our Food Fund by the end of this year and if you are interested in sponsoring petfood for any of our Food Fund recipients, please write to us and we will connect you with the particular recipient. All subsequent arrangements will be between you (the sponsor) and the recipient.

Our Food Fund recipients: http://myanimalcare.org/category/food-fund/

So far, as it stands, Lester Hiew and Norshahadah Rusli already have food sponsors (from our readers).

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/09/09/dogfood-sponsor-for-mdm-lim-teang-seouk/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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