
Ongsan Needs Our Prayers



The following update is from the reader who is helping out with Ongsan. Ongsan was admitted yesterday and his condition has not changed.

On 20th May 2013:

Dear Dr Chan,

Just a quick update on Ongsan.

Ongsan was admitted at the vet clinic. Nothing to be alarm of but his weight has decreased from 2.4 kg to 2.25 kg. The vet did a blood test and all reading seems to be good/normal. However, his jaundice still present and he is quite dehydrated. Have to address his dehydration as he could go downhill if it is not treated.

The vet would to observe him to assess what is contributing to his jaundice i.e. whether the meds he is taking is the factor that his jaundice is still present. He needs a fluid therapy (sub-cut) twice a day so as to flush out whatever that is causing his condition and will help hydrate him.

His lungs is clear and he has no trouble breathing. So there is nothing to worry about here. He is suspected to have been inhaling spores fungus brought about by pigeon droppings called cryptococcis. Unlike sporo it is not infectious to human or other species.

I believe Mas will update you further on Ongsan. Let’s keep our prayers that Ongsan will get well soon.


P.S. I’ll visit him at the clinic. No worries re the cost as we are sponsoring his treatments and boardings. Ongsan will be discharged when he perks up as he looks miserable today.

On 21st May 2013:

Hi Dr Chan,

Went to see Ongsan during the lunch time today.

No change from yesterday. The vet assistant fed him but he did not have appetite and spited out some of his AD. He was drinking though.

I tried to give him some AD and seems not keen to eat and has asked the vet assistant to keep the food out for him in his cage as when I left him I noticed he was moving closer to the bowl and looking at it. When I came back in he move away from the bowl (maybe he don’t trust us with his food as Mas mentioned he hated it when meds were put inside his food). But he enjoys being cuddled and held and was purring as I think he’s feeling cold as his ears are cold.

Spoke to vet on duty and she agreed that he’s not eating as he is cold (make his nose painful and blocked) and she prepared a heat pad for him and when I left she was going to give him his sub-cut and meds and treatment on list of instructions that the vet has given her.

He was alert although still dehydrated but looks like he is missing Mas but walked out of his cage when I opened and came over to me when I called him.

Keep our prayers for Ongsan that he’ll turn around soon. I will see Ongsan againtomorrow.


We ask for your prayers for Ongsan.

Get well soon, Ongsan!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/05/21/ongsan-needs-our-prayers/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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