Updates On 19th Mar 2013
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A lost and found female Persian cat was brought in to the SPCA on 14th March. Her story was like this:
She hid herself at the engine area of a car parked in Bayan Baru Area. No meowing sound was heard from her at all when the driver decided to drive his car out. Meowing
was heard only when the car stopped at a destination in town. She was indeed lucky to have found with no injuries/bruises from that ride. Please help circulate to alert her
owner. She can be reached at SPCA 2816559 / 016-4166559. Tq. SPCA TEAM
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151802007904972&set=a.140205684971.140013.69082364971&type=1&relevant_count=1
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