
Please Do NOT Use Poslaju When Sending Your Subsidy Claim Forms


I’m afraid this is no longer a gentle reminder as I have been receiving quite a number of claim forms sent via Poslaju.

It is written clearly in our subsidy policies which is sent to all applicants when they write in to request for subsidy (note the part in red) to please NOT use Poslaju:

How to apply for a subsidy:
1. Email us at chankahyein@gmail.com with a jpeg photograph of your animal and a short write-up of the case and what help is required.
2. Choose your own vet for the procedure, get it done, pay the vet and get an itemised receipt (procedures done to be stated clearly). Ensure that all items are legible on the receipt and that the receipt is issued in your name.
3. Email another latest jpeg photograph of the animal, taken after the procedure. Please tell us how the animal is after the procedure and provide the contact details of your vet.  
4. Post the original receipt and the duly filled form* to the given address. The bank account on the form must be in your name.
All claims must reach us NO LATER THAN 2 WEEKS from the date on the receipt.

Ordinary mail takes about 5 days to arrive; Pos Ekspres takes 2 days. PLEASE DO NOT USE POSLAJU OR COURIER.

Reminder: The receipts and bank account must be in the applicant’s name. Our funds are only open to street animals (not pets) and only to individual needy caregivers (not organisations or their key members or those who have means to raise their own funds). 

I do not know how else to tell applicants to please NOT use Poslaju. No one is home to receive the mail when it arrives; a notice is left in my postbox for me to collect the mail, but the mail cannot be collected until after a few days. I have to drive to the post office depot to retrieve the mail, but I work during office hours. By the time I retrieve the mail, the 2-week deadline will be over because those who send by Poslaju are usually those who wait until the last minute before they post out their claim forms.

If applicants would just post out the receipts and form immediately after they settle payment at the vet’s, believe me, even by ordinary snail mail, it would arrive way before the 2-week deadline is up.  Pos Ekspres is a good alternative; it is much cheaper than Poslaju and the mail is put into my postbox without requiring anyone to receive and sign for it.

To those who insist on sending by Poslaju, I am sorry, but I will not be driving to the depot to collect your mails anymore. If you must use Poslaju, please could you apply to other organisations?

Right now, there is another Poslaju notice sitting inside my postbox. To the applicant who sent it, if you still wish to submit your claim, please could you read our policies, follow our procedures http://myanimalcare.org/subsidy/ and resubmit?

And since we are on this subject, here is a gentle reminder to all applicants to please fill up all details correctly and completely before submitting your forms. I received a form where an IC number was written as the bank account no and the claimant did not pick up her phone when I called to ask. I finally managed to trace her through her vet to get her to resubmit.

Please be kind enough to spare me all this unnecessary work?

Thank you.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2013/02/15/please-do-not-use-poslaju-when-sending-your-subsidy-claim-forms/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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