
Updates On 18th Nov 2012


Meet Lego, a lovely lost pup who had to have one leg removed after being struck by a car. A veterinarian did her surgery for free and today Lego lives with her ‘mom’ Mary Dyck in B.C. Canada.

“Since her accident, she hasn’t let anything slow her down,” Mary explains. “She can hike, swim, jump, wrestle.. And run faster than most 4 legged dogs! For a dog that had such a rough start to her life, she’s remarkably balanced and issue free. She ADORES children, and wiggles her bum in a mad fury whenever she see’s them approaching on the street. Unfortunately due to her appearance and unfair stereotypes, most snatch their children away in fear when they see her approach.. Little do they know she is nothing but a big baby herself, and is nothing but gentle with little ones. She also gets along with cats and other small furries.. Her best friend – and occasional bully, being an 8 month old kitten named Malcolm.”
Share your rescue story too. Visit The Great Animal Rescue Chase here http://animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/rescue_showcase.php

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=490706267619357&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1



Animal Rescue Chase

The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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