
A Short Course In Filling Up Our Forms


Recently, we’ve had a spate of incompletely filled forms coming in. So, please treat this as an appeal from us to all applicants to PLEASE fill up all details before submitting your forms so that we do not have to write emails or make phonecalls to ask for your details. We want to pay out the subsidies as soon as possible and it does not help if your forms are not filled up properly.

Below is a photograph of an imcomplete form which came in today:

1. Please note that it says clearly on the form: Please fill in ALL details in full. Incomplete forms will not be entertained.This means we can actually ignore all incomplete forms. If we do that, some of the applicants would not have got their subsidy. However, in the spirit of our famous Malaysian goodwill, we haven’t been doing that. Instead, we’ve been writing to the applicants or calling them up to ask for the details. But please understand that all this inconvenience and wastage of time and energy can be avoided if only applicants would kindly and compassionately check the form to make sure everything is filled up before submitting it to us.

Please note that all the forms, receipts, etc. are audited every month. That is why we cannot accept incomplete forms.

2. Please either circle (or cross out)cats/dogs so that I know whether you are claiming for a cat or a dog. Our rates are different for cats and dogs.

3. Please either circle (or cross out)female/male so that I know whether your animal is male or female. Our rates are different for male and female.

If you are claiming for several animals, then please fill up accordingly; for eg: 2 female dogs, 1 male cat. All we are asking for is the number of animals, whether it is a dog or a cat and its gender. Please ensure all three details are filled up somehow. Our auditors also need to cross-check that we have paid you correctly according to our subsidy rates and what is on the receipt.

4. If there is no Receipt No, you may leave this blank. If there is, please fill it up.

5. Please fill up the name of the Vet’s Clinic.

6. Please fill up your Bank Account No correctly and circle the Name of your Bank(or cross out the ones which are not your banks). In the past, we’ve had people who fill up a wrong bank account no and also those who forget to circle the name of the bank. That’s rather inconvenient because we won’t know which bank your account is in and therefore, we cannot bank in your subsidy. It’s worse when the applicant won’t answer the phone or reply emails.

7. Please fill up the Name of the Account Holder. Sometimes, this may not be you, especially if yours is not the first name in a joint account. Please fill up the first name.

8. You have to please answer YES/NO to the question: Are you also applying to other organisations for subsidy or raising funds from other sources for this case. If you are not, write “NO”. If you are, please write “YES” and state the name of the organisation or the source of fundraising. This includes Facebook.

Here, allow me to explain that our funds are meant for NEEDY caregivers. NEEDY = Those who have no means of raising funds on their own.

Also, it is written in our policies that our funds are not open to recognised organisations and their active volunteers. “Recognised” does not mean “registered”. “Recognised” means the organisations is recognised by the public and it receives funds from the public. All the NGOs that open booths at events are recognised. Some don’t open booths, but they receive their fair share of donations from well-wishers too. Most NGOs or groups have their active volunteers and we would like to urge their volunteers to revert to their own organisations for funds so that ours can be reserved to help the really NEEDY caregivers who do not belong anywhere.

9. We have a 2-week deadline for the submission of forms. Please do not ask for an extension of the deadline. We have rules to follow.If you could post your form and receipt as soon as possible, I am sure 2 weeks is enough time for the snail mail to arrive. If not, please use Pos Ekspres. Kindly do not use PosLaju or courier because there may not be anyone to receive the mail and this will cause a delay for you.

10. Please be reminded that we need the BEFORE-AFTER photos of the animals.

11. We urge all applicants to please read our policies before putting in any application:http://myanimalcare.org/subsidy/

If you choose NOT to read and your application does not adhere to our policies, we will not be able to process your application at all.

Last but not least, we thank all applicants who have been sending in completely filled forms. It definitely makes our work a lot easier. Your cooperation in this is truly appreciated.

Below is an example of a completely filled form. As you can see, a bit of effort on the part of the applicant to check the form and ensure all details are filled up makes life so much easier and happier for everyone. We pay out the subsidy on the same day that we receive the receipt and form as long as the photos have been received and all other requirements are adhered to.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/05/a-short-course-in-filling-up-our-forms/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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