
Help Needed To Catch An Injured Cat (Michelle Ng Lai Kits)


If you are able to help Michelle catch this cat, please contact her directly at her email below. The cat’s injury looks serious and needs medical attention immediately. We have advised Michelle to try to trap the cat as well.

Michelle Ng Lai Kit

Normally we always place food at the garden area of my house for my
cats and stray cats to feed on. Being such, we have this fierce stray
cat that usually come over in morning and evening for food, maybe 3-4
times in a week. However, recently he has this small injury on his
face. We tried to put on medication but he’s too fierce and we are
unable to apply any medication. This injury has somehow became larger
and worsen. We did try to catch to send to the vet for treatment but
he’s quite fierce making us scare to go near him.

We would like to find some help, if anyone could give a hand to catch
him and put him in a cage to send to the vet. We do not mind paying
for the vet fee. We are just very worried for this poor cat.

We are staying in USJ 1. We do hope someone nearby can help us catch
and put him in cage.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/08/03/help-needed-to-catch-an-injured-cat-michelle-ng-lai-kits/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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