Norainis Cat Has Been Treated
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We hope Noraini’s cat will recover quickly from the complications that arose after a routine spaying procedure.
Below is the treatment administered by a vet recommended by one of our readers and also by the vet who did the initial procedure:
doc tu cuci luka…dia gunting & buang tali surgeri yg tetas keluar…tapi dia xde check suhu coz dia ckp still ok coz makan normal n aktif….hmm…
then, dia prescribe antibiotik (clavamox 62.5mg/1 tablet once a day) utk 10hari…
Saya juga singgah di klinik pertama sebab dekat.
Doc explain surgeri prosedur..mcm mana jahitan..simptom selepas surgeri (few terms yg saya pn xphm sgt)…
explanation sgt details jugak la…
then, dr bagi 2injection..(antibiotik n utk kurangkn bengkak)..dia prescribe antibiotik (beamoxy 250mg – 1/4 tablet each time, twice a day) utk 10hari n ubat kurangkan bengkak (beazyme) utk 12hari…
dia request lepas seminggu utk dtg balik sana….
We have offered our medical subsidy for this cat. We have also advised Noraini that since she has medication from two different vets, she should only administer one for the cat; not both.
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