
Angel Is Discharged And Adopted! (Thean Kim Sims)



Just yesterday, Kim Sim rescued this kitten (now named Angel) and Angel’s stomach had been ripped open.

Today, Angel has been treated, is discharged and adopted!

Dear Dr. Chan,
Pleased to inform that “Angel” (I know this is not an appropriate name for a male cat but it does not matter as my father said this cat was sent from heaven) has been stitched up and now recuperating. He has also been adopted by my colleague. So kind of her.
Now I feel really good about it.
I will post you the subsidy form and receipt soon.
Thank you Dr. Chan for all your efforts in making the work to rescue strays better. At least more people are wiling to rescue them knowing that it won’t burn a hole in their pocket by rescuing the strays.
I have also read 2 of your books. I was really touched by your books and I cried. I have also cut down on my meat intake. Whenever I eat alone, I will just go for vegetables and fruits. Makes me healthier and slimmer too.
Thank you for whatever you have done.

I took him to office…he is such a good boy that he stayed so quiet in the office except asking for food. Now fed and he is quiet and sleeping again.
I am attaching his photo with the stitches done….

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/17/angel-is-discharged-and-adopted-thean-kim-sims/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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