
征集《全球爱宠故事》主角|携手宠物做善事,为救援动物筹款 - 副刊 - 护生


好消息! 征集《全球爱宠故事》主角|携手宠物做善事,为救援动物筹款 💪

Great news! 马来西亚星洲日报 Malaysia Sin Chew Daily has featured the Tails of the World project 📸📚🐾 which Jacqueline Loh Pet Photography is currently running in support of SCAS! We extend our heartfelt thanks to Malaysia Sin Chew Daily for their fantastic support and coverage.👏👏

Pet owners, if you haven’t signed up your pet yet, don’t wait! Join the Tails of the World project – let your pet be part of this global movement and make a positive impact on animals in need. 📸🐾❤️ Spaces are limited, so act quickly!

Apply here: https://forms.gle/naCUndan3qkDtgkr7

For more information, visit Jacqueline Loh Photography’s Facebook page and the news article at https://www.sinchew.com.my/?p=5831143

300令吉为自己及宠物做一件善事,让猫猫狗狗成为《全球爱宠故事:第3卷》特刊的主角之一。罗敏仪与丈夫李明权都很喜欢狗,6年前两人从动物救援者手中领养了Cookie。《全球宠物故事》(Tails of the World)是2015年由澳洲女摄影…

Source: https://www.sinchew.com.my/?p=5831143



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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