Did You Know That Today Is Cat World Domination Da..
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Did you know that today is Cat World Domination Day? Well, now you do! If there’s something our sponsor cats know how to do, it’s dominating – dominating cuteness!
Just take a look at our adorable sponsor cats. Cute, huh. But as we all know, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. And if there’s something these cats have in common, it’s their very special and unique personalities. Not to mention all they have overcome to be here today.
To find out more about their individual stories and what it is that makes them all so unique and special, you can visit them here: https://links.soidog.org/did-someone-say-cute. And while you’re at it, you might just so happen to find your new bestie.
P.S. Can you spot how many globes are hiding in the photos? 🌎
Source: https://www.facebook.com/416170950540747/posts/6670686087843..
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