
Sunsuper Dreams Please Vote For Us!


Dear everyone,

James Blackwell has very graciously nominated us for the Sunsuper Dreams Prize, which is AUD10,000. To win this prize, we need as many votes as we can. The contest ends on 31st January 2012, so we still have many days to go and competition is very stiff.

If you have not voted, please vote for us:



1. Click on link above.
2. Check that it is the dream of JAMES BLACKWELL.
3. Click VOTE.
4. An email will be sent to your mailbox.
5. Click on link to verify your vote.

If your friends and family have not voted, please help forward the link above to them and to as many people as you can.

A vote for us is a vote for the many, many stray animals not only in Malaysia but everywhere because it is not only about the money which will definitely help us for the next few months but more importantly, the publicity generated may encourage and inspire other individuals to start a similar programme in their own community and help the animals there.

AnimalCare was started by me, an individual, and is currently run and managed by me with the help and support from friends, well-wishers and readers of this blog. The fact that AnimalCare has reached out far and wide with its message of compassion for animals and by example of practising CNRM as a compassionate way of managing the stray population shows that it does not necessary need a big corporate organisation to make a difference. Every individual with a passion can make a significant difference, with hard work and commitment.

It is hoped that the publicity generated from this contest (and hopefully from the prize!) will encourage more individuals to live their dream, make it happen and do good for the community.

So, please vote for us.

The contest ends on 31st January 2012.

Thank you very much for your support!!

13th Jan, 12.30pm – Currently, we have dropped to 2nd place, down by more than 100 votes to Best Friends Rescue, a charity for animals in Australia. If you have voted for them, you can still vote for us!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/01/13/sunsuper-dreams-please-vote-for-us/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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