Look Whos Doing So Much Better. Seeing Risanies Pr..
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Look who’s doing so much better. 🥰 Seeing Risanie’s progress is heartwarming, especially considering all the trauma she has experienced. It’s thanks to people like you that this progress is possible. 😻
Whilst still vulnerable after giving birth, Risanie was attacked by a dog and left with critical injuries. Having to be separated from her kittens was extremely detrimental for their health, and they sadly didn’t make it despite the very best efforts of our veterinary team.
Over the last couple of months, Risanie has been receiving the intensive care she needs to recover. Due to the extent of one of her wounds, her right hind leg couldn’t be saved. But this sweet girl has been brave and resilient throughout her journey. It really is inspiring to see.
If you’d like to help cats like Risanie, please consider joining our Care for Cats Club today. With your support, we are able to continue to be there for cats like Risanie when they need us most. To join, please click here: https://links.soidog.org/join-today-to-help-cats-like-risanie
Source: https://www.facebook.com/416170950540747/posts/6179453170299..
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