Upsetting Photos Firestar Wanted To Share Her Stor..
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⚠️ Upsetting photos ⚠️ Firestar wanted to share her story of bravery with you today. Last year, Firestar was found with a piece of wire tightly wrapped around her body. As you can imagine, this was sadly no accident. But a deliberate act of cruelty. 😧
The worst part is, when that person approached her, Firestar probably thought they were going to give her food, or at least show her some form of affection or kindness. After all, what could she have possibly done to deserve something so callous? 😥
With her body being so strained by the wire, Firestar was in an unbelievable amount of pain and needed urgent surgery to remove the wire. It was a successful operation, but Firestar still had a long recovery ahead of her.
Thankfully, this tale does have a happy ending. Being the brave girl she is, Firestar has made incredible progress physically, and mentally. These days, you’ll find her in one of our cat suites snoozing the day away to her hearts content. 💤
She might not be the first cat to greet you at the door, but she does enjoy a good head pat or chin scratch, which is incredible progress considering how shy she used to be when she first arrived.
After all she’s been through, it’s so heartwarming to see her enjoying the many comforts of our cat suite. If it wasn’t for people like you, our cats wouldn’t have a safe place to call home. 🥰 Can you imagine having to go back on the streets after being through an ordeal like that? We sure can’t.
To help cats like Firestar, you can join out Care for Cats Club, and help to provide medical care and treatment for thousands of street cats, so they too can have a happy ending to their story just like Firestar. Please click here to make a donation today:
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