
Bobby Visits The Blueys At Avant Pet (Canine Caviar HQ)!!


This morning, I set about preparing the braised chicken for the Blueys…

The ingredients – chicken meat, Udo’s Oil, nutricoat, Liquid Aminos, water.

Chinese stir-frying.


There, all done now.

For Baloo and Bagheera.

Let’s go….!!

It’s really quite far, from Subang Jaya to Selayang.

Here we are…at Avant Pet, Canine Caviar’s suppliers.

Ding Dong!

Hello, hello!!

Who is this, asks Mr Teh (he hid the tail).

It’s Baloo!! I said.

Yes, I was right!

Wow!! The Blueys are such big girls now.

And I think they remember Bobby.

That’s Bagheera…Andy says she is overweight.

Well, they eat good food, that’s why.

Baloo has interesting markings on her body now. She is no longer all white. She’s got grey patches, typical of bluepoint cats.

The Blueys just had their breakfast, so they weren’t exactly very hungry.

This is Baloo. She’s the alpha, Andy says. Very brave.


That’s Baggy (Bagheera). Andy says she’s a bit of a scaredy cat.




That’s Baloo’s markings.

Absolute cuteness!!

Andy telling me all about the Blueys and their temperament.

And while we were talking, Baloo was accompanying Bobby all over the office. Bobby did bump into walls here and there, though. The strange thing is, this is Bobby’s first time visiting, and though the office is huge and Bobby went exploring all over, he knew exactly where I was.


Baggy wanted to play with Uncle Bobby.

These are the prizes from Canine Caviar.

This the whole range of Canine Caviar.








New formula, coming in soon.

Also, new formula.

Mr Teh was explaining to me that Canine Caviar does not use potato because of its high glycemic index. So, their ingredient is split pea which has a lower glycemic index.

We also discussed the pros and cons of canned food and kibble. Apparently, Andy says he learnt from a nutritionist that while cats can do well on only canned food, dogs cannot. This is because dogs need the added supplements (vitamins, minerals, etc.) which is not found in canned food. So, the nutritionist recommends that dogs be given some kibble if they are solely on canned food.

Well, I suppose there will always be a few schools of thought.

1. BARF only (bones and raw food)

2. Home-cooked

3. Canned food

4. Kibble

Mr Teh hit the nail on the head when he said there is actually no one food that is THE best food. It is all about finding the best food for your dog and every dog has its own needs. He cites the example of a dog that was given ultra premium kibble but had diarrhoea. This particular dog only does well on one of the cheapest kibble brands! His coat would be ever shiny and his health at its peak…on that cheap kibble food!

I’m one for moderation and variety.

And I agree with Mr Teh that every animal has its own needs and we have to find out what their needs are. Even Dr Susanna (a homecooked food and wetfood enthusiast) says the animal would know what is good for him/her. So, let them choose. They know what they need.

I have experimented with various foods for Bobby and he does well on stir-fried chicken with mashed veges, Go! wetfood, Carnival wetfood, Canine Caviar Special Needs Dinner and Orijen Chicken (in small amounts). Carnival is not an expensive brand, but Bobby does well on it! In fact, some of the expensive premium food give Bobby diarrhoea!

I suppose a rule of thumb would be to go for quality food which is species-appropriate, and observe what the animal wants and how well it does on that particular food.

Someone’s watching us…

It’s time for the prize-giving ceremony!!

The first prize winner!

Bobby’s prize.
(Will definitely last him for sometime)

Thank you very much, Avant Pet!

The winners!

Today has been a really happy day for me, to see the Blueys again and meet up with Andy, Emily and Mr Teh. I learnt a lot about nutrition – lots to share with all of you.

Thank you, Avant Pet, for the prize for Bobby!

And there’s more goodies in store….read on, please…



Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/18/bobby-visits-the-blueys-at-avant-pet-canine-caviar-hq/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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