
Arrested For Feeding Homeless Animals. Today Were ..



Today we’re asking for help for one brave Moroccan rescuer named Hinata Von Der Kat who was arrested twice last year for feeding a group of about 30 homeless dogs and 50 cats in the local cemetery during lockdown. Consider the fact that she was in a cemetery, no living people around her. The cluster of animals living on the grounds of that cemetery were among the many she fed each day, walking about 6 hours to reach out to homeless animals in various locations. Police warned people not to leave their homes, but like many other rescuers internationally, Hinata couldn’t bear to abandon the homeless animals and let them starve for weeks on end. Despite her personal risks and sacrifices for the most vulnerable animals in her community, the arrival of Covid19 has eroded financial support and has brought Hinata to her knees.

“It has been very hard,” said Hinata Von Der Kat, a 34-year-old former kindergarten teacher with a creative streak who loves to express herself by changing up her hairstyle and color. “The street cats and dogs are not eating as before. Before I used to feed them at least four days a week. Now, if they are lucky, they eat once a week from me. Due to lack of donations, I prioritize the cats in who are suffering cat flu and breathing problems. The donations I get barely help me afford food and sometimes we live day by day. Sometimes I wake up and I have no idea how I am gonna feed them and how I will get them litter and medication.”

Hinata expressed that she feels very alone. She has reached out to many animal welfare teams for help, but Harmony Fund is the first to respond and to really talk with her and learn about her struggle.

Hinata has 34 cats living in her rental which functions as a home-based shelter and she spends many hours cleaning each day to make sure there is no damage that would force the landlord to evict her and the cats. Hinata has been trying to build a cattery in a space offered by the landlord so that she can bring in two roommates. Roommates’ rent would provide a small stream of funds for cat food, litter and medications. Additionally, Hinata currently owes about $1,250 to her veterinarian and is unable to purchase even basic flea prevention treatments. She also has about 60 street cats in need of sterilization. Though all of this is a tall order, we’d love to help in whatever way we can to the extent that funds allow so that MORE FOOD can reach the homeless animals on the street and care will become available for those already rescued.

To help these animals in Morocco, https://harmonyfund.org/donation/caring-for-the-animals-of-morocco

Source: https://www.facebook.com/109342202422434/posts/4162581263765..



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The Great Animal Rescue Chase celebrates the art of animal rescue with a worldwide race to rescue one million. It’s a free event, open to all, and is perhaps the only global animal rescue event aimed at helping any animal in distress, anywhere in the world. Our ambition is to create a culture of enthusiasm and pride in animal activism. We believe in teaching, by example, that there is a hero in each of us just waiting to be unleashed. Empowered animal lovers can not only save lives, but build the momentum for powerful animal welfare reform.

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