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就在今晚8PM ~ 🙋
希望大家都能来爱心支持 ❤🙏
#请帮我们多多分享 ❤
📢🐶 5月1慈善义卖直播 🐱📢
FB LIVE CHARITY SALES (eng ver below)
我们久违的义卖直播将在后天五月一劳动假期进行哟! 😍😍😍😍
📅日期:01/05/2021 (星期六)
💻平台:HOPE 面书
这次的直播义卖史无前例,因为我们将直接在宠物店里做直播!😱 我们的四位义工会进行PK比赛,直接售卖店里大量的宠物商品来为园区毛小孩筹款,而且是 #现场接单 噢!大家想支持的话当天千万不要错过啊啊啊啊 🙏🙏🙏 记得 记得,是 #现场接单
可爱的义工小姐姐们会分为两组做PK,一组是汪主播 (售卖狗狗商品),另一组为喵主播 (售卖猫咪商品),猫奴们后天赶快来助阵猫主播们吧!喜欢狗狗的朋友也快来给力汪主播们,不然落败的一组当天还会接受惩罚 😭
非常感激位于北干那那 QQ Pets Centre 宠物店的鼎力相助! ❤🙏 当天提供给我们义卖的商品店家全数有打折!而店家也提供特别慈善价,让大家当天能以低价位购买猫粮、狗粮捐给园区毛孩,此外还赞助了40份礼物让我们进行高达四轮的 #抽奖活动,谢谢 QQ Pets!
#错过就要等下次咯 (但不知道下次是几时了 …
/ 在这疫情严峻时期,请帮助我们以自力更生的方式来为园区毛小孩筹获每月高达马币17万的庞大开销,感恩大家支持,感恩 🙏
100% of the charity sales profits go to homeless animals.
It’s been a while since our last online charity sales, the coming one will be held on 1st of May, the Labor Day holiday! 😍😍😍😍
📅Date: 01/05/2021 (Saturday)
⏰Time: 8.00 PM
💻Platform: HOPE FB page
This round of charity sale is unprecedented, as we will directly broadcast live in the pet shop! Our four girl volunteers will conduct a PK competition, directly selling a large number of pet products in the store to raise funds for our shelter furkids, and we will be taking the orders directly in the Live! If you wish to support, please remember not to miss it.
Products for charity sale include cat and dog dry food, canned food, snacks, cat litter, dog pee pad, toys, etc.
Our lively girl volunteers will be divided into two teams to do the PK competition, one team is to represent doggie (selling dog products), and the other is the cat team (selling cat products). Come and support your favourite team, otherwise the team that loses will be punished that day 😭
Thank you very much for the love and help from the QQ PETS CENTRE pet shop in Pekan Nanas ❤🙏 All the merchandises the shop offered to us for charity sale on the day have discounts! The store also provides a special charity price, so that everyone can buy cat food and dog food at a low price to donate to our shelter furkids. In addition, they also sponsored 40 gifts for us to carry out up to four rounds of #LuckyDraw, thank you QQ Pets!
/ During this severe pandemic period, please support our self-reliance events to raise a huge monthly expenses of up to RM170,000 for our 3000+ shelter furkids. Thank you for your kind support 🙏
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/397..
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