A New Rescuers First Day With Her Kitten (Lilian Tongs)
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Lilian wrote to me this evening:
Hello Dr. Chan.
I was introduced to your blog about a month ago by a friend and have been reading your posts ever since. Today, a weird thing happened. I found a kitten today on my way back from work trying to cross a busy road. I have no experience whatsoever with kittens or cats for that matter. The kitty, who looks to be 3 weeks old(?) is beautiful and so brave!!
I was hoping if you could recommend on the food I could give her..or if it’s too soon to give a bath? Or can I bring her to a vet for de-worming and stuffs like that? I am feeling a little scared that I would injure her or cause her to feel discomfort..
At the moment I’ve got her in an A4 paper box, with my old pants in it and rubbing her warm..I will be going out shortly to a pet store to see if they have any food for the little girl..I have been looking through your posts to see if there are any tips on caring for kittens but I have not found it yet. Will have to come back and look through your blog again!
I quickly replied and sent Lilian this link:http://myanimalcare.org/fosterrehome/, plus various tips on caring for kittens.
Lilian replied a few hours later:
Hello Dr. Chan.
Thanks for the reply. The links were of great help! I vaguely remember reading those but forgot about it. The two kitties in the picture look like the Blueys!
Before I read your email I went out to get some stuff for kitty; feeding bottle, kitty litter and milk powder at a nearby pet shop (it wasn’t Pets Own or Toplife because I read your email a little later, and if my poor memory could recall, the shop didn’t have those brands so I bought something called Nicki)
I tried to feed her by putting a towel on my lap and stroking her back gently to try and encourage her to drink. Alas, she only drank about 10 drops and then refused to drink any more. I’m not sure if it’s my feeding technique or the milk isn’t tasty enough or she’s just not that hungry. I then tuck her back into the box. I checked if she had teeth..AND SHE DOES! I don’t know why I didn’t think of checking it earlier. That would mean I’ve underestimated her age I think..yikes!) I also gave her some water, but like the milk, she only took 3 reluctant slurps.
So now she’s back in the box, sleeping like the baby she is. Perhaps she’s just tired after all so maybe I should wait till she mews a little more to give a clear indication that she’s hungry.
Thanks for the kind offer onsubsidizing, however, I do think I can handle it at the moment. I’m just worried for the kitty should Monday come and I won’t be in the apartment. Will she be able to handle a few hours alone? Perhaps I need to get a toy..
As for tomorrow, I thought of bringing her to the vet in Jalan Gasing. I stay in Ara Damansara and that’s the only vet I know because a friend of mine used to bring her doggie there. Would there be any other vets you can recommend for her? I want to keep all alternatives in mind.
I’ve attached three pictures of the yet-to-be-named kitty. I’ve put her in a box with a little lamp next to her to give her warmth. Added the hot water bottle and gloves just now, she’s been asleep since 10.20pm, cuddling up to my old pair of trousers and shirts.
Phew, it’s such a long email..It’s been ages since I last typed something like that other than work
P/S. Just before I sent this email I checked on her again. She seemed to be weak/tired? and I’m worried about the fact that she’s not eating.. I woke her up just now because she seemed to be dazed and not moving but when I took her out she was able to walk. Now she’s back in the box again, eyes semi closed.
I really appreciate the time you will take to read this email, I’m terribly sorry if it’s so long and windy! I need to learn to summarize
The “not eating” part is a bit worrisome, so it’s good that Lilian will be bringing the little kitten to the vet’s tomorrow. We hope there is nothing wrong with the kitten.
Let’s cheer Lilian on, as this is her very first time and she is so enthusiastic and keen to learn!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/25/a-new-rescuers-first-day-with-her-kitten-lilian-tongs/
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