
Busa, Puspa And Billie (be Inspired!!)


My friend, Lydia, called me up about two weeks ago. She was clearly very excited to share a most wonderful story. Dr Susanna had referred a first-time rescuer, by the name of Billie Eez, to Lydia because Billie had picked up an injured cat from his alley, and sought Dr Susanna’s help. Dr S is now treating the cat, name Busa, but at the same time, advised Billie to consult Lydia on the possibility of physiotherapy help.

Billie is a Chinese man who runs a very small and modest pizza joint somewhere in PJ. Out of the kindness of his heart, he adopted three Indian girls and has taken them in as his own “daughters”. They help Billie run the business.

Lydia was so impressed because Billie and the girls have NO prior experience in caring for animals, but after having found and rescued Busa (who was seriously injured), they enthusiastically learnt as much as they could in caring for her. Despite having to run the business, they FOUND TIME (and cared enough) to do this.

It was also quite unfortunate that at the beginning, after having rescued Busa, Billie did not know who to turn to. He went into various cat forums on the internet and did not receive much support. In fact, most of the forumers told him to have Busa euthanised. Billie was quite dejected, but he refused to give up.

So, when Lydia met him and heard this, she told Billie to get in touch with me or at least, go to our website and read our stories. We and our readers are definitely not the “let’s give up and put the poor soul out of its misery” type. Far from it, ours is always about giving our best, going all out and giving any animal a chance to live on, recover and prosper.

Hearing Billie’s story got me really excited – you know how I’m always on the look-out for such inspiring true stories of first-time rescuers. So I got in touch with Billie, through Lydia and wrote to him, to ask if he could find a little time to write me his story.

Billie replies:

Hi Dr Chan,

Sorry I could not  reply earlier, I spend a large part of  the nite massaging Busa as I notice that when I comb her with a brush(lightly form the back down) her hind paws kinda react, which gave me more encouragement to continue until Busa fell asleep way into the twilight time. I did it this morning again & it was GREAT to see her hind leg paw response(give me hope,if my understanding of nerve is right). I also massage her hind legs lightly(she moan in the beginning but stop shortly after. She seem to like/accept it. Please tell me if what I am doing is wrong. This morning I woke up, and Busa was very active(less depressive than the day earlier,when Lydia was here, she was crawling everywhere, Is it good, Should I let her do it?? I did try to encourage to her  be still but she just want to be a busybody as a cat should be)
Another sorry, that I started this email with the above story, as I am so exicited that her hind paws still react I just want to write on her at once. I would like to Thank you for being so positive, it kinda spread to me and puspa. We(Busa,Puspa and me) are very interested on sharing our encounter on your website, in any way we can encourage more humans to be positive towards animal. Please tell me how. When it come to economy part, I shall try to pay as much as I can as there maybe others who need the fund more than me. If it exceeds then I will apply for Busa. Thank you.
Thank you again, Dr Chan for a very encouraging mail. Please let me know what/how I should contribute to your blog. I will gladly do it with names & photos.

And here’s Billie’s story, in his own words:

Hi I am Busa,my brother/sister and I were left to fend for ourself 6months back, we were left at a cafe. He/she went to the front part of the cafe while I wander to the back looking for food. This saved my life. I am the weaker of the two as sometime earlier someone had stepped on my back and fractured my back bone ( 4th lomb acc. the vet). Ironically,this saved my life as  I am too weak to walk far. This was when Puspa(pic) found & adopted me.Two days later Puspa told me, my sibling was ran over by a car.

Hi,We are Billie & Puspa. When we found Busa( tamil – meow and Swedish- playful), physically she seem odd as her back is not fully hunch when she sit . Busa can walk,run and play but she seem weak and when we wash/carry her she always scream.Then we thought she dislike water.

3months later Busa got nurtured, 3 weeks later,she cannot scratch her ears with her hind leg, We took her to a vet & was given antibiotics ,pain killer and some supplements. to be caged for 2 weeks. After, 4days miracle!!! Busa was well and hopping around the cage. 2 weeks later the vet checked and ok-ed her release. A week later, Busa was back to the same problem, cannot scratch her ears again. Back to the vet,this time it was blood test, confirming liver problem. Pain-killer  & supplement. Next morning,  Busa was running(weakly) and walking giving GREAT joy to us again only to find her weaken again 3days later,on the 5th day, we call the vet, but the vet has no solution.
Now,Busa was in such bad stage she was dragging her legs, cannot express her bladder nor poof. Feeling extremely helpless & desperate.We search the internet for hind leg failure. Which show no connect to liver problem
Losing 6 precious days we found another vet. He X-rayed ,Busa has a fractured backbone, disconnecting the nerves to both her hind legs and the vet advice was acupuncture or putting busa to sleep. Hopes failed us again, thinking this vet, that took us 4 days to find cannot help. BUT we were not giving up, We took Busa for 4 days to the vet for painkilller(Busa was in such pain, she cannot express her bladder nor poof) and nerve supplement injection.
We made appointment at once with Dr Susanna,vet acupuncturist to treat Busa. Dr Susanna also presented to us positive Lydia,, without whom we would be very depressed today. Meeting with Lydia gave us much hope, EVEN “if”  Busa can never walk again. If  she wants to live then no vets can tell us to let  her die. Busa has great appetite for food and life,we have decided we will make her life as pleasant as possible by giving her daily love, care and good food.
Today, I (Busa) have 7 more session with Dr Sussanna,I like going to Dr Sussana, it is so calm there and I always get a candy after. Billie & Puspa helps to shower me and express my bladder, though I protest against it they insist BUT I am kinda getting use to it,  I still want to protest, to show that I am a grown cat and can pee myself. Lydia has shown Billie and Puspa how massage me gently so I can fall asleep like a log and dream of hunting rats.  With both their love and care which I am getting 24/7, I cannot complain nor can I give up on them.It is not “if” I will walk but “when” I will walk.
Bye and hopefully I will return with GOOD news in 6 weeks time.
Busa, Puspa Verasamy & Billie Eez
From Lydia:
Hi Kah Yein,
Tks for being so welcoming as always during our visit today. We always enjoy visits to homes filled with 4paws.
I just wanted to tell you that I visited Busa and Billy this evening. Busa is so well looked after and Billie said that he is putting together a little story about Busa to send to you for the blog. Just an update and I’m looking forward to reading about it when Billie is able to put it together. Thank you for being so supportive as I know it means a lot to Billie to find strength and hope on this journey.

Are you inspired….?!!

I certainly am! If you are, please leave a comment here to cheer Billie, Puspa and Busa on.

And let’s get out there and do an act of kindness for the animals today, shall we?

Life is uncertain, there may be no tomorrow, so let’s do it today.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/28/busa-puspa-and-billie-be-inspired/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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