
About Pedigree Dogs And What Wrongful Breeding Does


Su Ann Quah shared these:



If you are an owner of a pedigree, you are strongly encouraged to view these two videos.

If you are intending to purchase a pedigree, please watch it, too.

If you don’t mind a mixed breed or a local dog, please adopt one from the shelter or the many adoption drives for rescued dogs.

Coincidentally, I just heard a most disturbing story. Apparently, there is an animal lover who has been sheltering street animals for decades but also supports breeding on the side. The breeder that she supports is an illegal breeder who had been issued warnings by the authority, so the family is now “hiding” the business in a property out of town. Recently, the illegal breeder gave one of their “pedigree” puppies to this animal lover. Unknown to the animal lover, something is not quite right about this puppy. And obviously so, because if everything was right, they would have sold it off.

Now, this animal lover (who doesn’t know any better) wants to start her own breeding business and intends to breed this puppy.

Note that this puppy is “not quite right”. A genetically deficient (for want of a better word) dog will only breed more genetically deficient offsprings. Thus, a whole generation of genetically deficient dogs will emerge and unknowing and un-informed buyers (or worse, genuine pet lovers who are ignorant about pedigrees) will take these puppies home.

When things go wrong later, which will happen, because these puppies already have genetic defects, what will happen to them?

1. Brought to the vet for treatment which will cost heavy expenses.
2. Thrown out to the streets.
3. Euthanised.

Sad, isn’t it?

We respect the wishes of people who want to own pedigree dogs and especially those who are willing to fork out the expenses to give them the very best, knowing that pedigree dogs are higher maintenance pets than street animals.

But, in general, we really hope that in time to come, adoption of street animals will become “fashionable” and breeding animals will be a thing of the past.

If a local dog is too big, try a cat?

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/29/about-pedigree-dogs-and-what-wrongful-breeding-does/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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