Eng Version. U. ?. All Beings Have Spirits, All Li..
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可怜的猴子被车撞了,满脸是血痛苦的坐在大路旁一动也不动的喘着 😢
真的很讨厌那些撞伤了小动物却不当一回事,任由它们在路上自生自灭的人 😡 #留言区有影片
猴子取名 【李猴】,幸亏伤势不致命 🙏
兽医为他脸上和脚上的伤口麻醉缝了针、注射抗生素,他眼睛被撞肿了,嘴巴里面也受伤严重,吃东西都相当困难,还时不时会流鼻血 😢
很意外的,李猴是只蛮温驯的成年猴,但园区里的环境根本不适合养猴子,不停的狗吠声让李猴看起来承受着不小的压力 …. 这几天更是看他郁郁寡欢,像在思念着家人 😔
众生皆有灵,众生皆平等 🙏
All beings have spirits, all lives are equally valuable. The poor monkey was hit by a car, sitting on the side of the road with blood on face and panting painfully.
We really hate those who hit the animals and left them for dead on the side of the road 😡
Volunteer happened to saw the monkey when she is on the way trapping strays for neutering. After seeing the monkey on the opposite road, there was a pool of blood on the ground and thing doesn’t seems right, she U-turned back immediately to check.
Although she has no experience in capturing wild monkeys, this brave volunteer still tried her best to figure out how to trap it and get him into the car.
The monkey is named “Baby Lee‘’.
Fortunately the injury is not fatal. The vet sutured the wounds on his face and feet under anesthesia and injected antibiotics.
His left eye were swollen badly, and his inner mouth was injured. It is quite difficult for him to chew food, and he had nosebleeds from time to time. 😢
Surprisingly, as a male adult monkey Lee is quite tame, but the environment in our shelter is not suitable for monkeys. The constant dog barking makes Lee seem to be under a lot of pressure …. Recently, he looks down and sad, as if thinking of his family. 😔
We plan to release him back after he has fully recovered, so that he can return to his pack and back to the nature.
The rapid development of the human world has brought only destruction and harm to the nature and animals. We can only beg everyone to give them a little compassion and help. Never think that only humans’ lives are precious. All lives are equally valuable. 🙏
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/339..
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