
Subsidy For Vaccination For Male Dog, Zutzai (Carman Hors)


Carman Hor is a university student. Her adopted street dog, Hambao’s, initial treatment was subsidised by us. There was another two medical claims for Hambao’s mange treatment in February recently and when she failed to acknowledge receipt of the funds, she was blacklisted. She also claimed the medical treatment in full despite knowing our 50% policy. We only paid out 50% and she was told that we do not provide full subsidy.

Recently, she wrote in again for a claim for another adopted dog, Zutzai. When asked why she failed to acknowledge the earlier payment, she said my email had gone into her junk folder.

Granted, these things happen, I suppose.

When told she was already on our blacklist for failing to acknowledge receipt of payment, she cited having no money to treat her dogs and that she is still a student, and said she really needed the financial help.

So here’s her latest claim now:

Hi Dr.Chan,

I’m Carman, the owner of HamBao andZutZai. They are adopted by me in November and December 2011 respectively.
I’m here to attach the photo ofZutZaias I wish to apply subsidy for vaccine injection and medical treatment from your foundation.
He just had dewormed and inject for 3rd vaccine, besides that his fur drop a lot and we already seek for veterinary.

And I have an enquiry. If next time I want to apply subsidy again, should I attach their photos too?

I received her claim form today, and again, she is claiming for100%.

The claim is for vaccination, medication, a tick collar and something listed as “Dlw”.

We cannot pay for the tick collar (it is an accessory) and I do not know what “Dlw” is. We also cannot pay out 100% so we have subsidised RM20 for the vaccination and RM4 for the medication. That would be a total of RM24.

Carman also did not state her bank, so I had to dig out her previous claim form to check which bank she uses. And send an sms to her to check that the bank is correct before I transfer payment.

All this takes time, and it would have helped very, very much if only forms were filled completely, details given are correct and rules are followed.

But this is for Hambao and Zutzai, so we shall endure.

I have to say this – if an uneducated person makes this kind of mistakes (and a repeated mistake, too – claiming for full sponsorship), I can understand.

And also, a person (student, working adult or non-working adult) who adopts an animal must be prepared to fork out money for the animal’s medical expenses. It comes in a package – the fun, the joy and the expenses. We hope Carman will take responsibility for her animals after this since they are now her pets.

But yes, our subsidy policies cover baby animals for one year and adult animals for six months (adoption of street animals). But if one claims to have no money, how is one going to carry on looking after the animal after our subsidy period is over?

All said, life is full of challenges and everything happens for a reason.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/07/subsidy-for-vaccination-for-male-dog-zutzai-carman-hors/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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