How To Adopt. Deciding To Bring A Pet Into Your Ho..
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Deciding to bring a pet into your home means a major change in lifestyle. Adoption should be a thoroughly considered decision and not a spur of the moment idea.
Tips to Adopting Your New Pet
Before you adopt a new pet, consider all the aspects of pet ownership to ensure you are truly ready.
1. Be a responsible pet owner.
2. Animals are not disposable!
3. Protect your pet’s health and safety.
Adoption Guidelines
In order to assure the smoothest transition and positive outcome for both the animal and the adoptive family, we have the following guidelines for adoptions.
1. You must be at least 21 years of age.
2. The entire household must be in agreement concerning the adoption.
3. You are not adopting the animal for someone else or as a gift.
4. Your adopted pet will be neutered by a specific date (if needed).
5. Your adopted pet will be vaccinated for rabies and licensed (if required).
6. Your adopted pet will be kept within your house compound.
We also ask for your current phone number and residential address. There will be a minimum adoption fee incurred too.
In order to assure an animal will be going into a permanent, caring, and responsible home, you will be asked to sign a contract agreeing to some additional guidelines.
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