
World's Loneliest Snail Dies, And A Species Goes E..


“George, a Hawaiian tree snail—and the last known member of the species Achatinella apexfulva—died on New Year’s Day.

George was born in a captive breeding facility at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa in the early 2000s, and soon after, the rest of his kin died. That’s when he got his name—after Lonesome George, the Pinta Island tortoise who was also the last of his kind.

For over a decade, researchers searched in vain for another member of the species for George to mate with, to no avail. (Though these snails are hermaphrodites, two adults must mate to produce offspring, and researchers refer to George as a “he.”)

“I’m sad, but really, I’m more angry because this was such a special species, and so few people knew about it,” says Rebecca Rundell, an evolutionary biologist with State University of New York who used to help care for George and his kin.”

#extinctionnews 😔

One famous snail’s death highlights the plight faced by diverse Hawaiian snails, of which there were once hundreds of species.

Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2019/01/george-th..


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