
Eng Version Below. 215. "Blackroom " "" Hope. 172 ..


(Eng version below)

邀请大家一起去看戏!一边看舞台剧,一边帮浪浪,2月15正式开演 ~

【热烈推荐】 新山本土一部超赞的舞台剧 【旺旺】 ,无论是服装、布景、音乐等都是原创的,真的非常让人惊艳!

而主办方新山剧团 “BlackRoom 暗房” 特别开设两场 “希望场” 演出,将这两场的部分票价捐助 HOPE的毛小孩们,好感激谢谢 💕💕

我们会去看哦,你要一起吗 😊

希望场 (17/2 或 24/2 . 8pm) #更多详情如下


新山本地大制作 【旺旺 Bow Wow】 舞台剧 – 历时一年之久的创作,南中北马艺术家的碰撞!

描述了家犬旺旺在某夜被 “带入” 超级月亮,在另一个时空与神秘的布兰族相遇,展开一场人类与狗、狗与狼族、狼与人类 — 三段源远流长关系的探索之旅 ……


表演艺术 结合 NGO组织,共同携手关怀我们所处的环境,把温暖带给我们身边的人、事、物。


Extremely awesome theatre performance “BOW WOW” made in JB!There’s two special show session made for HOPE, whereby part of the ticket profit will be donated to the homeless furkids. Big thank you to organizer BlackRoom ❤ #MoreInfoAsBelow

It has been through 1 year for preparation and collaboration which involves lots of artist throughout Malaysia. “Bow Wow” is a story about a Dog, named Wang Wang has accidentally been brought back to the old age on a full moon night. Wang Wang met “Bulan Tribe” at there and involved into the conflict between wolf and human.


【场次 / Session】

- 15/2 (FRI) 8pm

- 16/2 (SAT) 2pm / 8pm

- 17/2 (SUN) 2pm

- 22/2 (FRI) 8pm

- 23/2 (SAT) 2pm / 8pm

- 24/2 (SUN) 2pm


【票价 / Price】

RM 68


【优惠 / Promotion】

• 三人同行 / 3 in 1 group : RM 188

• 学生优惠 / Student Promotion : 10% discount (available for students with valid Student IDs )


【希望场次 / HOPE TIX】*特设

- 17/2 (SUN) 8pm

- 24/2 (SUN) 8pm


【票价 / Price】RM 98

• 每张票RM 30将会捐赠给HOPE希望护生园


【地点 / Venue】

Black Room Theatre & Illustration (暗房剧场空间)

No 51C (3rd Floor), Jalan Lembah 18, Bandar Seri Alam, Masai.


【热线 / Hotline】

- 010 – 656 5641

- 010 – 451 0674


*中文演出 ,英文字幕

Perform in Mandarin with English subtitle

*演出时常110分钟 (含中场休息)

Approximately 110 minutes (including intermission)


No admission for infants in arms and children below 10 years old


#旺旺 #经典




#暗房 #BlackRoom



Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/211..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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