Eng Version Below. Kl Kl. Kl Cherasmytown Gplaypon..
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KL的盆友们~ 🙋🙋 这个和下个周末我们都会出现在KL,办义卖活动筹款给浪浪孩子们哟! 希望你能来支持 ❤
🐶🐱 这个星期五、六、日,我们在KL Cheras的MyTOWN购物中心 (G楼),参与PlayPong Festival结合马来西亚第一和最大的PONG挑战赛 (10am-10pm)
这三天全场活动如PONG游戏 (无酒精)、虚拟实境游戏、吃喝玩乐等等的费用都将捐出做慈善用途,感谢热心公益的主办方 PlayPong Malaysia 列HOPE为受惠单位之一。
🐶🐱 下周末我们会出现在 Pet World Malaysia全马最大宠物展览会, Midvalley展览厅 (6月28-30, 10am-9pm) 到时见哟 👋👋
Hi KL friends! 🙋🙋 This and next weekend we will be at KL carrying out charity events to raise fund for the furkids, hope to have your support❤
This Fri, Sat and Sun we are at KL Cheras MyTOWN Shopping Centre (Floor G) to join PlayPong Festival in conjuction with first and largest PONG Challenge in Msia. (10am-10pm)
All the events happening in this festival the funds collected will be contributed for charity, like the PONG game, VR game, F&B and etc. Big thank you to organizer PlayPong Malaysia for choosing us as one of the beneficiary unit.
and Next weekend we will be at Pet World Malaysia, see you! 😊 (Mid Valley Exhibition Centre / 10am-9pm / 28-30 June)
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/231..
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